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We offer a broad range of products in fingerprint imaging, and fingerprint image enhancement and comparison. These include comprehensive solutions for the laboratory and crime scene to digitally capture prints, enhance with innovative optical and software tools, and extract minutiae for side-by-side comparisons and case presentations. Our Universal Imaging Systems (UIS) include all the components for both optical and software enhancement.

Product Description

Our broad range of products in Fingerprint Imaging, Fingerprint Image Enhancement and Comparison include all solutions for the laboratory and the crime scene to digitally capture prints, enhance them with innovative optical and software tools, and extract minutiae for side by side comparisons and case presentations. Universal Imaging Systems (UIS) include all components for both optical and software enhancement.

ImaQuest Digital Image Enhancement Suite

Designed originally for fingerprints, the ImaQuest Digital Image Processing Suite is the most comprehensive package of its kind, including the ability to secure, scale, enhance, track, compare, chart, and print work from multiple investigators and multiple sources.

The ImaQuest Digital Image Processing Suite is the heart of the SPEX Forensics UIS – Universal Imaging System. SPEX Forensics has advanced latent print processing to new levels by incorporating a new, ultra-high-definition digital camera with full spectrum capability including the ability to capture prints using RUVIS (Reflective Ultraviolet Imagining System). Now latent prints can be digitally captured and processed without ever having to apply various forms of treatment. We can examine all smooth non-porous surfaces, photographed, and digitally processed using this system. And best of all, every photo captured retains its original image chain of custody.

Another advantage of using ImaQuest and the new Universal Imaging System is the removal of the background effect caused by the reflected UV light. This issue could be a problem during the processing of your photos. When using our system, you can quickly and easily make some basic enhancements to tell if you can remove those phenomena. If you are unsuccessful, you can immediately move the light and capture a new image.

Automatic Tracking of Images

ImaQuest automatically tracks and records all intermediate steps, and the full sequence of images can be saved in a single file. This record of all enhancement details can also be saved and exported as a text file for your case jacket or court presentation.

ImaQuest features a live view Image Background Subtraction and intuitive live view Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). You have never used an FFT like this before. ImaQuest is everything you always wanted in fingerprint enhancement software and more.

Additionally, ImaQuest has a built-in documentation and charting system called IdentQuest, which automatically matches known and unknown images. This Digital Comparator automatically extracts and compares minutiae points between the two images. IdentQuest will then chart the points from the comparison either automatically and/or manually. It then digitally pastes the results into a free-form document that can be customized for your agency.

Instead of using multiple software packages, ImaQuest can take you from capturing evidence to charting your results – with all your enhancements in between.

The ImaQuest Fingerprint processing solution allows the removal of fluorescent backgrounds, boosts prints, removes periodic backgrounds with FFT, and features a broad range of digital filters to process the prints. ImaQuest tracks all changes made automatically and features a unique format that records the original image and all mathematical treatments applied to the image.

ImaQuest also features IdentQuest, performing automated extraction of minutiae and manual selection of points and features on two prints, side by side. This allows you to scan the reference fingerprint from a tenprint card and IdentQuest will digitally compare the images.

Chart the points from the comparison and digitally paste these into a free-form document that can be designed and configured for your department. Save templates for future use. Print any chart, image, or history to any printer.

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