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Scientific: OEM

OES Spectrometers

OES Spectrometers (Optical Emission Spectrometers for OEMs) optimized for SEMICON applications including plasma monitoring/end-point detection and reflectometry (with the addition of a flash lamp). The OES-Star features unmatched throughput and SNR, spectral coverage and < 1 nm resolution). Our new OES Family, OES-Star, VS70-MC and InVizU all include our latest “Multi-Communications interface” electronics (MC= EtherCAT, Ethernet, USB-2). The Invizu integrates both a linear CMOS sensor for UV-VIS and a TE-Cooled INGAAS sensor, which extends the spectral coverage to 1700 nm.

The M116 is a new imaging multi-spectra spectrometer (200-1050 nm) with a high speed Scientific 2D CMOS sensor which allows the monitoring of multiple tools or multiple areas of a plasma,with 8, 16 or 32 fiber optic channels, fully simultaneously acquired. Its sensor features < 2e- readout noise, an e-shutter and a USB3 interface. For integration in a Reflectometer, custom fiber optic bundles can be designed to your requirements.


OES Star UV-VIS-NIR OES High End Spectrometer

Our Best OES ● 200-1050 nm  
In one shot ● 1 nm resolution EtherCAT – Ethernet – USB-2


VS70-MC Miniature Multi Communication UV-NIR Spectrometer

Mini OES ● 2 nm resolution
200-910 nm or 200-1050 nm
EtherCAT – Ethernet – USB-2

PoliSpectra 135 4-channel+ OES

OES Multitrack ● Highest throughput 4-channel configuration 190-900 nm ● 2 nm resolution sCMOS 2D sensor ● USB-3



Mini OES with Extended Range
200-1700 nm (CMOS + INGAAS)
EtherCAT – Ethernet – USB-2

PoliSpectra M116 (OES)

Multitrack ● Up to 32 fibers
200-1050 nm ● 1 nm resolution
Lowest Readout Noise ● USB-3

You can email OEM Technical Sales at: OEM.US(at) or contact OEM at: +1.732.494.8660 Ext. 7733

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