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nanoGPS navYX

Collaborative Correlative Microscopy

Correlative microscopy is the combination of multiple modalities performed on the same sample. The results produced emphasize the strengths of each modality while offsetting their individual limitations.
nanoGPS navYX™ is an open solution which makes SEM-Raman correlative microscopy seamless regardless of the electron and optical microscopes used. Simply stick the Coordinates Transfer System to the sample!


Segmento: Scientific
Fabricante: HORIBA France SAS

Based on patented technology, nanoGPS navYX™ is an original solution for spotting the same points of interest with a high degree of accuracy and simplicity using different microscopes, and using small patterned tags fixed to the samples or their substrates.
Embedded position-sensing technology allows both absolute XY coordinates and angular orientation to be automatically converted. The accuracy in re-localization is in the range of a few microns, depending on the moving stage performance of each microscope.

nanoGPS tag layout

User benefits of nanoGPS navYX™ include:

  • High accuracy relocalization of points of interest (POI) between optical (Raman, PL, Fluorescence, topographic…) and scanning electron microscopes (SE, EDS, FIB, cathodoluminescence, EBSD…)
  • Instant calibration of the Coordinate Transfer System (CTS) on the various microscopes
  • Snapshot recording of the pattern tag for immediate correspondence of POIs' coordinates
  • Simple workflow for multiple images processing and overlay with graphYX™ correlative microscopy software, powered by Digital Surf Mountains


nanoGPS accessories

Multimodal spectroscopy techniques for nanostructured materials characterization
Multimodal spectroscopy techniques for nanostructured materials characterization
In this article, we present the combination of Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence and SEM-CL techniques, where the instruments weren’t physically connected. Smart nanostructured materials require a comprehensive understanding of their morphology, elemental and chemical composition. nanoGPS Suite solution allows a colocalized combination of a variety of microscopy techniques, providing a full characterization of nanostructured materials and a precise superimposition of the results obtained.
Co-localized microscopy techniques for pyrite mineral spatial characterization
Co-localized microscopy techniques for pyrite mineral spatial characterization
In this study we have chosen to investigate pyrite and its surrounding minerals in order to identify the different mineral phases as well as the chemical variations from micro- to nano-scale. Using the different microscopes instruments and being co-localized allows a comprehensive characterization of the sample and a precise superimposition of all the images.

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