April 2024
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Patient Demography: Male, 64 years old
Diagnosis: Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia (CLL)
Microscopic Observation: Lymphocyte monomorphism; LLC lymphocytes that differ from small lymphocytes in the following aspects: slightly larger dimensions (10-14 μm), chromatin with a marble structure due to the presence of areas of dense chromatin, close to areas without chromatin. The presence of lymphocytes characterized by a nucleus with notches, and chromatin that is not very dense but not blastic. Spherocytes typically seen in CLL in the background.
How Yumizen Can Assist: On the DIFF scattergram, we observe the presence of atypical lymphocytes. Some of these CLL lymphocytes are larger than normal forms and are positioned between lymphocyte and ALY matrix.
This clinical case has been provided by a laboratory in Italy.
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