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COVID-19 screening, prognosis and severity assessment with biomarkers for management of patients

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Christian Siatka1,2 , Marion Eveillard3 , Jun Nishimura4 , Christophe Duroux5 and George Ferrandi 5,6
1 Université de Nîmes, 7 Place Gabriel Péri, 30000 Nîmes - France 2 Ecole de l’ADN de Nîmes, Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 30000 Nîmes - France 3 CHU de Nantes, service d’hémathologie biologique, 9 quai Moncousu, 44093 Nantes-Cedex 1- France 4 HORIBA, Ltd. 2 Miyanohigashi, Kisshoin, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8510 - Japan 5 HORIBA ABX, Parc Euromédecine, Rue du Caducée - BP 7290, 34184 Montpellier-Cedex 4 France 6 Lead contact


This global epidemic of coronavirus that we are currently experiencing, need an over view on the biological markers that allow the monitoring of COVID-19 disease. After a synopsis of the clinical characteristics and the management of patients, we propose a literature review of the diagnostic tests which include molecular and serological diagnosis. The aim of this document is to show the biological markers involved in screening, triage and prognosis, which involves white blood cells, platelets, Ddimer, CRP and fibrinogen. While acknowledging that these parameters are not exhaustive, they nonetheless represent essential biological markers for the management of this epidemic.

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