Dynamometer and Other Overhaul Services
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Dynamometer Service

Dynamometer and Other Overhaul Services

VULCAN - Chassis Dynamometer

Bad cooling water quality and natural wear are the most frequent causes of failure for eddy current dynamometers. The damage that arises causes longer, unplanned downtime and high repair costs. In order to prevent such damage, we offer an annual overhaul of your eddy current dynamometers in our workshop.


  • You set the schedule for the overhaul
  • You are able to plan for the expense
  • Breakdowns reduced to a minimum
  • Overhaul costs < subsequent repair costs
  • Shorter downtimes for the test stand 



  • Disassembly of the cradled parts
  • Evaluation of the general state and measurement of the parts
  • Cleaning of the cooling chambers and the cooling chamber carrier
  • Assembly with new bearings and gaskets
  • Examination on our quality test stand with bearing run-in and measurement of speed, torque and temperature

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