What are the applications for VUV technology, and why do we need VUV technology? - HORIBA
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Vacuum Ultra Violet Spectroscopy
What are the applications for VUV technology, and why do we need VUV technology?
VUV plasma diagnostics
Laser-induced plasma emits VUV radiation. Therefore, analysis of the VUV radiation gives access directly to information of the plasma parameters such as density and electron temperature.
High Harmonic Generation Studies
Due to a coherent process, when solid samples, gas or plasma are illuminated by a pulsed laser, the sample emits the high harmonics of the generation beam and could be used as a discontinued emission light source in the VUV domain.
VUV tunable filter/light source
A VUV monochromator can provide a precisely selected wavelength down to the Soft X-Ray, and can thus act as a tunable filter or light source with appropriate accessories
EUV reflectivity
Multilayer structures analysis, improvement of reflectivity of mirrors (optics of a Synchrotron) or radiation damage studies are some of the domains of investigations of “in vacuum” reflectivity
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
By irradiating a material with a beam of X-Rays while simultaneously measuring the kinetic energy and number of electrons that escape from the top 1 to 10 nm of the material, information of the elements, such as elemental composition, chemical state, and electronic state can be obtained.
VUV Fluorescence/Phosphorescence
VUV fluorimeter
Phosphors or scintillators based on organic or inorganic crystal or noble gases can be characterized using such a technique. Their Lifetime measurements are another domain under investigation these past years.
Quality control in VUV
VUV light can be used to stimulate fluorescent dyes to highlight defects in materials
Solar astronomy physics
Explore the ultraviolet spectrum of the sun with high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution; provide information on the solar atmosphere (projects such as EVE, SOHO, ICON, IRIS…)