Beginn: 07/02/25
Ende: 07/03/25
Ort: Frankfurt, Germany
The 12th International Conference on Advanced Applied Raman Spectroscopy (RamanFest2025: July 02-03, 2025 - Frankfurt / Germany) will feature presentations from world-leading Raman experts and researchers using the technique across varied applications within life science, materials science, and energy and environmental analysis. It will bring together the world's Raman community to share, learn and discuss how Raman spectroscopy is being applied to today's problems, and pioneering tomorrow's capabilities.
- Wednesday, July 2nd
- Thursday, July 3rd
If you are a researcher in an academic or industrial lab, and are:
- Doing research on a Raman microscope,
- Searching for a proper characterization technique for your material,
- Looking to optimize your processes,
and you want to network with other users to discuss your challenges, we invite you to attend RamanFest and submit an abstract.
Design Offices Frankfurt Wiesenhüttenplatz, Wiesenhüttenplatz 25 · 60329 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Submit an abstract:
RamanFest2025 (
Register here:
RamanFest2025 (
Official website:
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