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Our automated fingerprint/palm print and biometric Identification stand-alone desktop PC systems are an affordable alternative to state-based systems. Our systems offer the same powerful tools found on state networks at a fraction of the cost, and in many cases, with an increase in accuracy. We do it with proprietary algorithms that have proven to be the most effective in the industry.

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Automated Fingerprint and Palmprint Identification - AFIS & APIS Systems


Our stand-alone desktop PC system allows a forensics department to get full control over their database, and their processes. The department can maintain higher quality cards placed in the database. And it can submit any latent it wishes to search.

The department can assign priorities to their searches based on the priorities of their casework and get immediate results. It processes even poor-quality latents which the State AFIS often refuses. You can review as many or as few candidates as you wish.

Our stand-alone desktop PC system is exceptionally useful for a department that routinely gets results from the State AFIS systems that indicate a suspect is someone arrested by the same department before. In cases like, this having its own stand-alone desktop PC system allows the department to save tremendous amounts of time between the investigation of a crime scene and the identification of a suspect. A stand-alone desktop PC system also allows latent to latent hits, essentially linking crimes committed.

With our custom stand-alone desktop PC system, a department can identify aliases faster, searching tenprint cards of arrestees against the database and returning results immediately.

The architecture of our stand-alone desktop PC system helps a department train its staff regarding the latent process, providing a better understanding of latent print collection.

And our stand-alone desktop PC system provides palmprint capability. Most State AFIS systems still do not have palm capability. And it has been shown that if they do, many are unstable and unreliable. In some cases, collecting palm cards at the time of the tenprint card and searching palm latents can solve 25 percent to 35 percent more cases.

PrintQuest - proving the worth of a “Local” AFIS/APIS system.

PrintQuest is rapidly becoming one of the most powerful tools for solving crimes that an agency can have. A proven low-cost AFIS-APIS solution, PrintQuest is capable of importing and processing fingerprint and palmprint images from live scan devices, digital cameras, and scanners along with remote networked workstations. PrintQuest is offered as a complete system allowing an agency to construct and manage a local database of known fingerprints and palm prints and use this database for automated searching of latent fingerprints and latent palm prints.

During a search, PrintQuest compares prints using three parameters; the minutiae points themselves, whether the point in question is a bifurcation or an endpoint; the relationship of each individual point to its neighbors in space (both direction and distance); and most importantly, the skeleton or ridge flow of the print. It is what provides exceptional results. While most systems only search and compare the minutiae points of prints, PrintQuest includes the skeleton in the actual search process.

PrintQuest features High Accuracy Auto-Extraction of centers, deltas, and patterns, as well as minutiae points for unsurpassed user time savings on the entry of prints. In PrintQuest, it is not necessary to place minutiae points on any tenprint image. Auto-extraction allows PrintQuest to be useful by both the novice and expert alike.

PrintQuest can work with palms just as easily as it does with fingers. Published statistics show a large portion of the identifications are of palms. Working with palms in PrintQuest is easy, fast, effective, and highly accurate. The entire palm is searched every time, quickly and efficiently. PrintQuest requires LESS work for the user and saves time.

PrintQuest AFIS is an expandable AFIS solution. The system is modular; as an agency grows, the system grows with it, keeping up with the needs of the agency. PrintQuest can be configured on a single Personal Computer with a database as small as 3,000 tenprint cards and be configured on a dedicated, rack-mounted server with a database that numbers in the millions of tenprint and palm cards.

All PrintQuest systems arrive as a complete package including Dell computer hardware, a flatbed scanner for 500/1000 DPI, laser printer, CDRW/DVD combo drives, APC-UPS, LCD monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Installation and training is included. Pre-loading of existing paper cards is also available.


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