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HORIBA Collaborates in Authoring the First Chinese Technical Book on Environmental Measurement Techniques

|   Press Release

HORIBA Know-How Is in the Field of Precisely Measuring Air/Water Quality, and Technical Education

Joint Press Conference in Beijing on May 13, 2008

HORIBA, Ltd. collaborated in authoring “Automatic Continuous Environmental Monitoring Technology,” a guidebook to recommended air/water quality measurement techniques, published by Chemical Industry Press in Beijing, at the request of the publisher. The guidebook will become a bible of environmental measurement techniques in China. The necessity for environmental action is increasing in China as economic growth accelerates. It is expected that publication of this guidebook will promote the first standardization of environmental measurement techniques in China, contributing in turn to the development of an environmental measurement network throughout the vastness of China. 

Since 1966, HORIBA has exported pH meters, its core technology, to China. HORIBA takes pride in the fact that it has contributed to building amicable relations between Japan and China, not only through trade, but also through the diffusion of industrial technologies. In September 2003, recognizing the excellent quality HORIBA products, the Chinese government chose HORIBA as a supplier of exhaust gas monitoring equipment for its national environmental project in Zhongqing, an environmental model city in China with very stringent environmental regulations. Moreover, in March 2006, HORIBA's automatic water pollution meter was recognized as contributing to environmental protection in China. The company's UV organic pollutant monitoring device (OPSA-150) was recognized by the Ministry of Environment Protection as the first certified automatic water pollution meter (UV meter) in China. 

Environmental issues have been aggravating in China as the country's economy rapidly grows. In such a situation, in order to establish and comply with air/water quality regulations, there is increasing need for environmental quality measurement. This requires a system that enables automatic continuous monitoring of changes in environmental values. Such a system must employ standardized measuring techniques, and a national measuring network must be established throughout the vastness of China. 
Under these circumstances, Chemical Industry Press in China has published a guidebook of environmental measuring techniques, “Automatic Continuous Environmental Monitoring Technologies,” which will be a bible for Chinese engineers engaged in analytic measurement of environmental elements. Chemical Industry Press is a prestigious government-controlled traditional publisher, specialized in science and engineering publications. 
The publishers have stated that, from among many measuring instrument manufacturers in Japan, one of the most advanced environmentally conscious nations in the world, they chose HORIBA as an author of the book because HORIBA, with its high-performance products and its 40 years of accumulated measuring know-how and technologies, has contributed considerably to the promotion of Chinese industrial growth. 

HORIBA's 27 expert engineers in air and water quality participated in the writing, taking about two years to complete the work. This is the second time that the HORIBA development team has provided its know-how and technologies as author of a technical book at the request of a publisher. The first such book was “Handbook of Engine Emission Measurement,” a reference book published in 2006 in Japan, targeted at young engineers in the Japanese auto industry. This new book will provide guidance on measuring technology, aimed at supporting economic growth and promoting environmental improvement in China. Its publication is a proof that HORIBA's high technical ability is recognized overseas, not just in Japan, as in the case of the handbook for the Japanese auto industry. HORIBA is willing to provide similar cooperation in its areas of technical know-how, if requested by other industrial fields, whether in Japan or abroad. 


Outline of the Book 
• Title: Automatic Continuous Environmental Monitoring Technologies 
• Editorial supervisor: Dr. Kozo Ishida (Vice President, HORIBA, Ltd.), 
  Editor: Dr. Hu Li (International Division, HORIBA, Ltd.) 
• Fellow specialist: Dr. Jinming Hao (Professor, Tsinghua University) 
• Publisher: Chemical Industry Press (No. 13, Qinqnian Hunan-jie, Tongcheng, Beijing) 
• Format: A4/272 pages 
• Published copies: 5,000 copies 

• Topics: 
  [Table of Contents] 
  Part 1 Pollutant Source Monitoring System 
    Chapter 1 Effluent treatment 
    Chapter 2 Emission gas from fixed sources, 
    Chapter 3 Emission gas from moving sources 
  Part 2 Monitoring of Environmental Quality 
    Chapter 4 Environmental quality of surface water 
    Chapter 5 Airenvironment 
    Chapter 6 Acid rain 
    Chapter 7 
      7.1 Environmental quality of coastal waters 
      7.2 Yellow sand 
      7.3 Noises and vibrations 
      7.4 Space radiation dose rate and radioactive substances in air 
      7.5 Mercury 
      7.6 Remote sensing 
  Part 3 Monitoring Center and Security System 
    Chapter 8 Regional central monitoring center and telecommunication 
    Chapter 9 Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) system 
    and security system 

• Authors: HORIBA, Ltd., 
  HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd., 
  Atmospheric Environment Division of the Kyoto Prefectural Institute of 
  Public Health and Environment, and 
  The Institute of Acoustic Environment Technology 

• Support: Chemical Industry Press, 
  All-China Environment Federation, 
  China Environmental Protection Foundation, 
  Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry, 
  Chinese Academy of Engineering, 
  Japan Environmental Technology Association, and 
  Acid Deposition and Oxidant Research Center