Process Development and Quality - HORIBA
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Biopharma and Pharma

Process Development and Quality

Real-time spectroscopic methods like NIR and Raman spectroscopy, and gas analysis by Chemiluminescence method are used to monitor biopharmaceutical processes, ensuring consistent product quality and detecting deviations early (Quality By Design, QBD). It helps identify and quantify active ingredients, impurities, and other components in biopharmaceutical products, ensuring their identity and purity, and can be used to differentiate genuine biopharmaceuticals from counterfeits, safeguarding patient safety. Spectroscopy and Particle Size Analysis help ensure biopharmaceutical products meet strict quality and safety standards before release to the market. 

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HORIBA Solutions

PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS
PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS

Rapid Raman Plate Reader – Multiwell Fast Raman screening


MicroRaman Spectrometer - Confocal Raman Microscope

Aqualog - A-TEEM Industrial QC/QA Analyzer
Aqualog - A-TEEM Industrial QC/QA Analyzer

A Simple, Fast, “Column Free” Molecular Fingerprinting Technology

ViewSizer 3000
ViewSizer 3000

Simultaneous Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)


Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer


Affordable Benchtop Raman Spectrometer

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