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Handy Gloss Checker - New

Gloss is important visual property of object's surface. The degree of light reflected from the object's surface is termed glossiness. However, the perception of glossiness is subjective and depends on the weather conditions, physical abilities of watching person etc. The IG-340 gloss checker helps to quantify gloss measurement and perform objective numerical gloss value. 

The gloss checker IG-340's user friendly interface allows intuitive operations for instant gloss measurement on site. Due to ergonomic and light weight design the IG-340 can be hold and operated by one hand. High accuracy, repeatability and precision proven by more than 50,000 units sold worldwide makes it indispensible in object's appearance check and quality control.

IG-340 uses very common measurement angel 60°, which allows accurate measurement from low gloss surfaces to highly pollished textures.

This enables gloss measurement of different materials: stone, wood, leather, rubber, glass, metal, plastic, and various application fields from foor maintenance, car polishing to stone and building materials appearance inspection. Ingress Protection IP42* enables outdoor gloss measurement and use in the fields where water drops are present.

Internal memory can store 100 readings and 200 average data with time and date. Instant data output via USB connection and without any dedicated software allows QA and other professional reports to be easily generated. The IG-340 does not need any special measurement technique. It can be easiely used by everyone and become your right hand in reporting about performed works and quality inspection.  

Gloss Checker IG-340 (video) 

Division: Gloss Checker
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.
  • Compact, Lightweight and Easy Operation
    • 30% smaller than the previous model the IG-320
    • Easy to hold and carry by one hand
    • Gloss values can be easily managed on site with one button one function operation
  • Environmental Rating 
    • IP (Ingress Protection) rates at IP42*
    • Can be used for outdoor gloss measurement such as construction sites, solar panels, ships, trains and buses
    • Also can be used for stone polishing and other applications where water drops are present 
  • Large Screen Display
    • Indicated values can be easily confirmed when IG-340 is placed on the floor during floor cleaning and maintenance works
  • Internal Memory for Measured and Average Values
    •  Measured values can be saved with a single touch
    • Easy operation with one hand using the side button is also available
    • Average value can be calculated and saved as well

*Equivalent to IP42 when battery cover and USB cover are closed.
IP42 means protection against solid objects of 1mm diameter and greater, and vertically falling water drops when enclosure is tilted up to 15 degrees.
Wiping off water drops on the measurement spots are necessary in order to obtain accuarte value.


Related Applications

Floor Maintenance to Maintain the Beauty of the Space

    Measurement range 0.0 to 100.0
    Display range        0.0 to 199.9 [OVER] is displayed for values greater than 100.0 
    Repeatability*1      ±0.6 (±0.5% of full scale ±1 digit)*2
    Measurement area 6 × 12 mm ellipse
    Measurement geometry 60°
    Light source LED (880 nm)
    Operating temperature      0 to 40℃
    Relative humidity   35 to 85%RH (no condensation)
     Environmental rating IP42
    Power suppy AA battery × 2
    Dimensions 61 (W) × 62 (D) × 176 (H) mm
    Weight 320 g or less (including batteries and protective cover)
    • Auto power off (10 minutes)
    • Memory: 100 readings and 200 average data with date and time
    • Data output to PC via USB cable

       (Batch output of memory data, OS: Windows®10)*3

    • Protective cover with integrated calibration tile (3200840869)
    • Soft case (3200829076)
    • Lens cleaning cloth (3200829127)

    *1: Variation is values when repeated measurement are done continuously in a short   time under the same conditions.
    *2: Full scale 100.0
    *3: Please use a micro USB cable. "Windows" is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the  U.S. and other countries.
    *4: Battery and USB cable are not included.                                                                    

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    * These fields are mandatory.

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