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Paris, France (1906 - A. Jobin)

Paris, France (1906 - A. Jobin)

This was the year that, A. Jobin was finally able to escape from the cramped environment of his premises on rue de l'Odéon and rue des Quatre Vents. He rented a pavilion located at 27 Humboldt Street (later Jean Dolent Street) in the 14th arrondissement. In the garden, at n 31, he had a workshop built, on the ground floor, with a surface area of 400 m2. At the time, this represented 30,000 francs (roughly equivalent to 120k euros today). The lease was granted for 24 years, at the end of which the workshop should have disappeared. More comfortable in this new setting, A. Jobin undertook the construction of larger instruments, high-power spectrographs, equipped with multiple prisms (flint or quartz), on an epicyclic train keeping them to a minimum deviation.
