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Novel Methods and Applications of a 2-in-1 Fluorescence and UV-Visible Absorbance Spectrometer

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Beginning: 05/05/20

Duetta is a 2-in-1 scientific instrument offering both fluorescence and absorbance/transmittance spectra, and uses a multichannel CCD detector for fluorescence spectral acquisition. Because this instrument is such a new and unique configuration of fluorometer/spectrometer, it enables measurement of fluorescence spectra and kinetics as well as UV-visible absorbance and transmittance spectra and kinetics, in ways that traditional single channel PMT-based fluorometer detection cannot. The inner workings of the Duetta instrumentation will be covered in terms of detector configuration, filter usage, and instrument correction factors. The applications of such a dual spectroscopy instrument include the ability to automatically correct for inner-filter effects when measuring high concentration solutions and this will be demonstrated in detail. CCD detection enables measurement of spectral kinetics, and we will demonstrate this specifically for cases of molecular binding and energy transfer, a useful tool in understanding the biophysics of proteins and small molecule binding or motion. The use of a CCD detector also enables the measurement of samples emitting into the NIR region such as some lanthanides and semiconductor materials and we will present some use cases where this has been applied successfully.

Because absorbance detection is measured simultaneously with fluorescence emission, absorbance-transmittance excitation emission matrices (A-TEEM) are acquired quickly and accurately for component analysis of complex mixtures such as novel nanoparticles. Measurements such as these take seconds to minutes compared to potential hours on a PMT-based fluorometer. All of these applications will be demonstrated and discussed in this informational webinar.

Presenter: Dr. Karen Gall, Applications Scientist, Horiba