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An Introduction to Morphology

QSP Webinar 15042021_HORIBA Medical

Presenter: Andrew Fisher, Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Science (FIBMS) MSc, Technical Specialist at HORIBA UK

Blood cell morphology is extremely important in the routine Haematology department, enabling the observer to provide a definitive diagnosis. HORIBA Medical recognises that although automated haematology analysers have improved in terms of detecting abnormal cells, visual interpretation is still essential. However, due to increasing workload and a reduction in the number of experienced Biomedical Scientists, one to one training and competency assessment in blood cell morphology can be challenging.

The webinar aims to help students and inexperienced staff members develop their confidence and improve blood film morphology by providing a simple means of training and assessing staff competencies. It will provide an overview of the key differences between normal Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils and Basophils and demonstrate how to easily use HORIBA Medical’s Quality Slide Program (QSP 2.0) for laboratory training and competency assessment in blood cell morphology using virtual slide evaluations.

A final Q&A session will provide opportunity to discuss specific questions relating to QSP and basic blood morphology.

 Duration: 40 minutes­

 Document: 1. Morphology posters and 2. QSP Newsletter (Click here for subscription) are being introduced in this webinar.


- Chapters - *There is no link embedded, please find the starting point manually on the video.

00:00:00​ Introduction
00:00:33 Introduction to Morophology & Quality Slide Program (QSP)
00:23:15 Q&A session 

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