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World Thrombosis Day 2024

Thrombosis occurs when a clot develops inside the body (veins, arteries, lungs hepatic veins or the urinary tract) blocking a blood vessel and resulting in complications. 1 in 4 people worldwide die as a result of thrombosis with hospital-associated clots a leading cause of preventable hospital deaths, impacting people of all ages, ethnicities and locations.

Thrombosis is both a dangerous and preventable disease but cutting-edge technology, such as HORIBA's innovative hemostatis solutions can support thrombosis patients, facilitating fast and accurate diagnosis so that treatment can begin without delay. 

Clinical assessment of patients at increased thrombotic risk

When a patient presents primary care with a Venous thromboembolism (VTE) or a family history of VTE, it is important to perform a thorough clinical assessment to determine the presence of risk factors.

It is recommended that all requests for thrombophilia tests are first discussed with a hematologist. In addition, requests should be accompanied by all relevant clinical information.

What is included in a “thrombophilia screen?”

The tests included in a thrombophilia screen generally include:

  • Screening Test: Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time(aPTT).
  • Factor V Leiden
  • Prothrombin gene mutation
  • Antithrombin
  • Protein C and Protein S
  • A lupus anticoagulant screen will sometimes be included


The choice of tests will depend on clinical information. For example, antithrombin, Protein C or Protein S deficiency is more likely in a younger person with a spontaneous VTE, and less likely in an older person with other risk factors for a VTE, but decided after complete clinical examination.

Reduce your chances of thrombosis by taking the following steps:

  • Stay a healthy weight
  • Stay active – taking regular walks can help
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
