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Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct


Corruption is one of today's challenging social issues for achieving a sustainable society, and many international institutions and business sectors frame their policy or initiatives to confront it. In the spirit of “Open and Fair,” HORIBA Group strongly denounces any form of corruption and morally questionable sales, and is making an all-out effort to prevent corruption. Since 2011, the group has been a participant of Commitment of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) which incorporates Anti-Corruption as one of its ten principles.

HORIBA ABX SAS, the center of innovation in HORIBA's healthcare business, pursuant to Article 17 of the French law of December 9, 2016, known as the "Sapin 2 law", makes no exception, and shares the same vision as the group, by developing a specific compliance program for preventing and detecting corruption, of which this Anti-corruption code of conduct (hereinafter the "code") forms an integral part.

In accordance with the Sapin 2 Law, this Code is annexed to the HORIBA ABX SAS rules of procedure.

More specifically, the purpose of this Code is to remind everyone of:

  • The business principles relating to the fight against corruption and influence peddling;
  • The behaviors to adopt in regard to this.

In any event, if local legislation is more stringent than the principles set out in the Code of Conduct, the strictest rule must be followed.

For whom is the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct intended?

The Code applies to all internal employees (1) and external and casual employees (2) (hereinafter referred to as "the employees") working for HORIBA ABX SAS.

It applies to all the stakeholders involved, starting with managers and employees as well as external or casual employees (trainees, temporary workers or service providers who have been working for more than 6 months in the company) of HORIBA ABX SAS. It applies in the same manner to employees of foreign branches who are made available to HORIBA ABX SAS. Finally, the Code applies to employees of foreign subsidiaries.

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