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Measurement Solutions for Marine

HORIBA supports research on marine pollution, such as compliance with emission regulations like NOx for main/auxiliary engines and SOx regulations, achieving carbon neutrality through improved fuel efficiency, addressing microplastic pollution, and the development of next-generation vessels including electrification, hydrogen and ammonia engines. We provide comprehensive measurement solutions utilizing our proprietary expertise in exhaust gas measurement, wastewater monitoring and evaluation of fuel cells/secondary batteries.

Clicking on the measurement target will take you to the corresponding section.


CO2 Separation & Recovery Process Monitoring for Ships

To achieve carbon neutrality, it is essential to effectively utilize CO2 (carbon dioxide), a prevalent greenhouse gas, as a resource in parallel with the utilization of hydrogen. We provide optimal measurement solutions for managing generated gases and implementing separation and recovery processes.

Solutions for CO2 Separation and Capture

CO2 Separation and Recovery Measurement Using Amine (Image)


   Exhaust Gas Measurement

Optimal for Research and Development of Urea SCR System for NOx Regulations

Laser Spectroscopic Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer: MEXA-ONE-XL-NX

For Lab

The MEXA-ONE-XL-NX is an analyzer for the direct, simultaneous real-time measurement of the four relevant nitrogen-containing exhaust gas components NO, NO2, N2O and NH3 utilizing the newly developed gas analysis technology called IRLAM™* . It enables fast and highly accurate measurements, making it ideal for research and development of aftertreatment systems like urea SCR system.

* IRLAM is a registered trademark or trademark of HORIBA, Ltd. in Japan and other countries

Product Detail

Optimal for Research and Development of Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Systems for Marine Engines

FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer Direct Measurement Type: FTX-ONE-CS

For Lab

The FTX-ONE offers a 5 Hz sampling rate and simultaneously measures the concentrations of multiple components including NH3, CH4, and CO2, from (engine) direct exhaust gas using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) method in combination with multivariate analysis algorithm. It is suitable for the evaluation of aftertreatment systems, including urea SCR, gasoline three-way catalysts, and bioethanol fuel.

Product Detail

Suitable for engine exhaust R&D on new energy sources for ships.

Hydrogen Gas Analyzer: HyEVO

For Lab

This hydrogen gas analyzer can directly measure gases with moisture concentrations of up to 35% without the need to remove moisture. A response time of less than 1 second is achieved, enabling it to react to transient changes in gas concentration.

Product Detail

High-accuracy, high-resolution hydrogen gas analyzer (HyEVO) designed to support the development of the hydrogen supply chain.

In compliance with IMO*'s NOx Technical Code

Marine Engine Exhaust Gas Analyzer: MEXA-ONE-RS-DS

For Lab

Optimal for simultaneous measurement of CO, CO2, NOx, THC, O2, air-fuel ratio (AFR), and excess air ratio (λ) in marine engine exhaust gases.

*International Maritime Organization (IMO)

For inquiries regarding MEXA-ONE-RS-DS, please contact us.

Engine Exhaust Gas Analysis

Portable Gas Analyzer: PG-300 Series

For Lab

The PG-300 Series, a portable gas analyzer, is designed to be compact and lightweight, making it convenient to carry around. It enables the measurement of five different components NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, and O2, without any restrictions on location. Additionally, the lineup includes a model dedicated to research and development in carbon neutral and greenhouse gases (GHGs) monitoring. This model is available with four measurement components: N2O, CH4, CO2, O2.

This analyzer supports data acquisition through the Ethernet connection or an SD card slot, providing flexibility in collecting and storing data. Additionally, it features an intuitive operation through a color touch panel LCD, ensuring user-friendly interaction. Due to its capabilities, the PG-300 Series is particularly well-suited for conducting engine exhaust gas measurements during port visits and various other applications.

Product Detail


   Water Quality Measurement

Compliant with SOx Regulations

Water Quality Monitor for Ship Exhaust Gas Scrubbers


Enhance compliance with SOx regulations through EG-100, washwater monitoring system. This system enables the measurement of pH, temperature, turbidity, and PAH, while providing the operator with simplified maintenance on board through flow-type sensor. In addition, an optional debubbling device is also available to further realize the stable measurement.


*International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Product Detail


   Oil Monitoring

Sulfur Content Analysis in Fuel for Sulfur Regulation Compliance

Sulfur-In-Oil Analyzer: SLFA-60


For Lab

New regulation of sulfur concentration of marine fuel oil has beenapplied since 2020, and all vessels have to use expensive low sulfur type before entering the regulated marine area properly. The continuous monitoring of sulfur concentration of inlet fuel oil is now also indispensable. Our SLFA-60 sulfur-in-oil analyzer is a simple & acuurate EDXRF tool to comply to the standard. The data can be printed out or exported via a USB interface.


*International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Read Application Note


   Lubricating Oil Monitoring

Iron Content Measurement in Cylinder Oil

X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer MESA-50


For Lab

Ideal for the measurement of iron in cylinder oil. This portable analyzer offers speedy analysis with built-in battery.

Product Detail

Monitoring of Oily Ballast Water Discharge

Oil Concentration Meter: OCMA-500


A compact automatic instrument that measures the oil concentration in ballast water or seawater. With a dynamic range of 0 to 200 mg/L, it allows for seamless measurements across a wide concentration range without the need for range switching, covering low to high concentrations.

Product Detail



Supporting Ship Electrification with Measurement Technology

Environmentally friendly propulsion systems are being sought after in the development of ships, and research and development of various energy sources are being conducted in addition to energy efficiency and advanced technologies. However, the development of new energy sources faces many challenges. HORIBA provides solutions through its expertise and equipment for evaluating fuel cells and batteries, which have been developed through mobility development.

Fuel Cell Test Station

Evaluator LT/HT

For Lab

  • Evaluation of PEM fuel cell (components, single cells, stacks, systems)
  • Evaluation of SOFC fuel cell (components, single cells, stacks, hot-boxes)
  • Evaluation of electrolyzer (cells/stacks)


Product Detail

Battery Evaluation Device / Battery Emulator

Evaluator B Series

For Lab

  • Battery cell/modules/packs evaluation
  • Battery emulation for 48V onboard power supply and high-voltage systems


Product Detail

End-of-Line Test Station

Evaluator EOL Series

For Lab

  • End-of-Line test
  • Quality control in production line
  • Integration of additional components for product verification


Product Detail



Microplastic Particle Size and Qualitative Analysis

Raman Spectrometer - Confocal Raman Microscope XploRA Series

For Lab

The XploRA Series combines a Raman microscope with dedicated particle analysis software to automatically recognize particles from optical images and perform automated analysis of microplastics. It can measure the particle size and conduct qualitative analysis of hundreds of microplastics within minutes.


Product Detail

Microplastics Solutions