Continuous Emission Monitoring System

CEM system for plant operation optimization, compliance with environmental regulations and preservation of blue sky above our heads

Continuous emission monitoring (CEM) includes the sum of activities aimed on determination and reporting of pollutant emissions to the atmosphere from stationary emission source. Coal-fired, oil-fired, and biomass power plants, waste incinerators, cement plants, kraft pulp mills, and many other industries worldwide are enforced to continuously monitor, limit and submit continuous records of their emissions to the local environment control agencies.

In the past the environmental regulation was the driving force for CEMS development and application. But recently, CEM system is being used increasingly for process control and optimization. The benefits of knowing what and in what quantities is emitted is becoming more and more recognized. The knowledge about emission and application of CEMS helps to make the plant run efficiently and reduce pollutants emission to the atmosphere.

HORIBA with more than 50 years experience and more than 100,000 systems installed worldwide is your true partner in reliable and cost-effective emission monitoring on the way to carbon neutral society. With decades of experience and technological advancement, we are confident in our premium quality and pleased to support with best fit solutions for every single customer and variety of applications: stack emission monitoring for steam boiler, thermal and biomass power generation stations, waste incinerators, gas turbine combustion monitoring, Green House Gas (GHG) monitoring and research, post combustion Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and more.

 Stack Gas Monitors

 Portable Analyzers


Stack Gas Monitors

Air pollutants emitted from each fixed source are subject to emission standards set by the laws and regulations of each country. Continuous monitoring of these emissions plays an important role not only in protecting the environment but also in ensuring the stable operation of each facility.

Portable Analyzers

The PG-300 series meets the measurement needs in various situations, such as performance verification and backup of permanently installed analyzers, and temporary evaluation of exhaust gas for environmental assessment, etc. Although it is portable, it has the same level of performance as a permanently installed analyzer and can perform continuous measurements for 3 to 5 days. 

Continuous Emission Monitoring System

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