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LAQUA PC1100 BenchMeters

Benchtop Water Quality Meters

Stress-free measurement, high-end model
Water quality analysis is repeatedly performed in laboratories on a daily basis. Our high-end benchtop model was developed to provide simplicity with excellent on-site usability - from operation and maintenance through to troubleshooting.

事業部: Scientific
產品分類: Water Quality
製造商: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.




  • Dual channel / display
  • Automatic pH calibration up to 5 points using NIST, USA, or Custom pH buffers
  • Switchable pH resolution - 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 pH
  • Offset and slope display
  • Automatic / Manual temperature compensation and temperature calibration function
  • Automatic and manual conductivity calibration up to 4 points
  • Adjustable reference temperature and temperature coefficient
  • Selectable cell constant and measurement unit
  • Conductivity and total dissolved solids (TDS) conversion
  • Four (4) TDS calibration curves for wide range of applications: EN27888, Linear, 442, NaCl
  • Two (2) salinity calibration curves: NaCl, Seawater 
  • Auto log data; Built-in memory can store up to 1000 data
  • Real-time clock and date / time stamp
  • Auto shut-off (programmable: 1 to 30 minutes)
  • Auto-Hold / Auto-Stable measurement
  • Calibration alarm (programmable: 1 to 400 days)
  • Custom black and white static LCD
  • RS232 and USB output for connecting to computer or printer
  • Security (password setting)
  • 2 years meter warranty


Meter Kit Available:


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Package Details:

  • LAQUA PC1100 Dual Channel pH/ORP/Cond/TDS/Res/Sal/Temp custom black and white static LCD meter
  • Protection cover, integrated electrode stand, power adaptor with 6 plugs (US, EU, UK, ANZ, China, Korea) 
  • 9615S-10D ToupH glass-body, refillable pH electrode with integrated temperature sensor
  • 9382-10D plastic-body, Titanium/Platinum black, conductivity probe (k=1.0) with integrated temperature sensor
  • 502-S: pH 4.0 / 7.00 / 10.01 buffers & 3.33M KCl (250ml each)
  • 503-S: 84 µS/cm, 1413µS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm, 111.8 mS/cm conductivity solutions (250ml each)
  • Instruction manual

PC1100-SN: Kit with 501-S (pH 4.01 / 6.86 / 9.18 NIST buffers & 3.33M KCl,  250ml each) is available upon request. 



Dual Channel pH/ORP/Cond/TDS/Res/Sal/Temp

pH Range-2.000 to 20.000 pH
Resolution0.1, 0.01, 0.001 pH
Accuracy± 0.003 pH
Calibration PointsUp to 5
Buffer OptionsUSA, NIST, Custom
ORP Range± 2000 mV
Resolution0.1 mV
Accuracy± 0.2 mV
Conductivity Range...µS/cm to 2000 mS/cm   
Resolution0.05% F.S.
Accuracy±0.6% F.S.; ±1.5% F.S. > 18.0 mS/cm 
Reference Temperature15 to 30°C (adjustable)
Temperature Coefficient0.00 to 10.00% (adjustable)
Cell Constant0.1, 1.0, 10.0 (selectable)
Measurement UnitμS/cm, mS/cm, S/m (selectable / auto-ranging)
Calibration PointsUp to 4 (Auto / Manual)
TDS Range

0.01 mg/L to 1000 g/L

Resolution0.01 mg/L
Accuracy±0.1% F.S.
Calibration CurvesEN27888, 442, Linear (0.40 to 1.00), NaCl
Resistivity Range

0.00 Ω•cm to 200.0 MΩ•cm

Resolution0.05% F.S.
Accuracy±0.6% F.S.; ±1.5% F.S. > 1.80 MΩ•cm
Salinity Range0.00 to 100.00 ppt / 0.000 to 10.000 %
Resolution0.01 ppt / 0.001 %
Accuracy±0.2% F.S.
Calibration CurvesNaCl / Seawater
Temperature Range-30.0 to 130.0°C
Calibration OptionYes
Memory Data999
Auto Log DataYes
Real-time ClockYes
Date / Time StampYes
Auto-Shut OffYes (Programmable: 1 to 30 minutes)
Auto-Hold / Auto-StableYes
Offset / Slope DisplayYes (Independent acid and alkaline slopes depending on calibration)
Electrode StatusOn screen display
Diagnostic MessagesYes
Calibration AlarmYes (Programmable: 1 to 400 days)
DisplayCustom black and white static LCD, Dual Channel
InputsDual BNC, dual phono, DC sockets
OutputRS232, USB
Power RequirementAC adaptor, 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Dimensions170(L) x 174(D) x 73(H) mm






* 這些欄位為必填項目。



ISFET pH electrode


Water & Liquid Corporate