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9681S-10D Sleeve ToupH electrode (for viscous and non-aqueous samples)

9681S-10D Sleeve ToupH electrode (for viscous and non-aqueous samples)

This glass-body, refillable pH electrode with integrated temperature sensor gives stable readings even in highly viscous samples and non-aqueous solutions (e.g., solvents, cosmetics, paints).

  • The liquid junction is designed with a movable sleeve that prevents clogging. 
  • Easy to clean and provides quick stable readings
  • Waterproof, Pb-free glass
事業部: Scientific
產品分類: Water Quality
製造商: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.
pH Range0 to 14
Temperature Range0 to 60
Liquid JunctionMovable Sleeve
Temperature SensorIntegrated
Cable 1m
ConnectorsBNC, phono jack
Overall Length151mm
Diameter 12mm, 8mm
Filling Solution

525-3 or 300 (3.33M KCl)




* 這些欄位為必填項目。

Water & Liquid Corporate