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能夠使用單一設備同時測量和顯示多達 11 個參數。

Multi Checker U-50 系列是一款現場可用的水質檢查儀,它將各種感測器整合到一個探頭中,允許在一次測試中同時測量多達 11 個參數。儀器的設計考慮了現場測量的易用性,並配備了多樣化的功能和能力。任何人都可以輕鬆地將其用於各種需要水質測量和測試的應用,包括河水、地下水和廢水。

pHORPCONDDOSALTTURBGPSSeawater Specific GravityTDSWater DepthWater Temperature


*Optional features

產品分類: Water Pollution
製造商: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.

Various sensors have been consolidated into a single probe

Simultaneous measurement and display of up to 11 parameters are possible. The sensors can be individually replaced.
However, only one type of standard solution is required.

Can be easily operated by anybody

Equipped with a one-touch automatic calibration function. The cable connection is an easy-to-attach/detach one-touch type. The data is conveniently displayed in real-time through the Auto-Hold function, allowing for easy visual monitoring during measurements. Furthermore, it is equipped with a diagnostic function that indicates the replacement timing of each sensor and displays errors.

Easy and convenient data management function

Easy computer integration is possible with USB connectivity.

The LCD display makes it easy to read and operate

The data is displayed clearly on the LCD screen for easy viewing. Possible to operate easily with one hand. Various functions are displayed with easily recognizable icons.

Convenient for field measurements

Designed for field measurements, it having been enhanced with impact resistance using soft resin materials. Also equipped with a convenient carrying bag as a standard accessory.

The turbidity sensor (U-53) is compliant with EPA Method 180.1

The U-53 incorporates a turbidity sensor that is compliant with EPA Method 180.1. Equipped with a wiper.



* 這些欄位為必填項目。