配備 CCD、CMOS 和 PDA 的光柵光譜儀

從微型光纖光譜儀到配備 TE 或 LN2 冷卻 CCD 和 InGaAs 偵測器的研究級光柵光譜儀系統。
HORIBA Scientific 是 CCD 光譜儀、繞射光柵和科學相機領域的市場領導者。我們的 OEM 部門提供的光譜和成像解決方案將超越您的下一代需求,並始終超越競爭對手。其中包括:
如果您正在尋找更大的研究級光譜系統(1/4 公尺光譜儀和更長的焦距),請造訪 Custom Spectroscopy Division
Rapid Raman Plate Reader – Multiwell Fast Raman screening
Compact High Resolution CMOS or CCD Spectrometer
High Spectral Rate and High Dynamic Range Miniature Spectrometers
Multispectra, Multifiber, Multichannel Imaging spectrometer with 8-16-32 Simultaneous UV-NIR Spectra
DUAL & QUAD CCD Mini-Spectrometer
Deep Cooled UV/Vis/NIR and VUV Scientific Cameras
Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer Applications
Deep Cooled Vacuum Ultra Violet Scientific Cameras
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
OEM miniature spectrograph
Imaging Scanning Monochromator
Ultra Compact and Broad Range Spectrometer
Mini Raman Spectrometer
X, Y, Θ Absolute Position Encoder
X, Y, Θ Position Calibration Plate For Machine Vision and Microscopy
Compact Spectrometer for OCT
OEM Raman Filters
Only available for volume OEM purchase, minimum order quantity 50 units.
OEM Miniature Raman Systems and Components
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer
Multichannel Spectrometer and Hyperspectral Line Imager
Multichannel Grating Spectrometer
Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer
MINI-CCT+ Mini Raman Spectrometer
Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Deep Cooled High Speed Scientific CMOS Camera
Ultra-compact Scientific Uncooled CMOS Camera
OEM CCD Camera
Miniature High Throughput Spectrometer
Miniature Multi Communication UV-NIR Spectrometer
Highest SNR PDA Miniature Spectrometer
Miniature 18-Bit Spectrometer
Cost-effective, High-performance Mini Spectrometer
Most Compact Vacuum UV Back-Illuminated CCD Spectrometer (VUV-FUV)
如果您正在尋找更大的研究級光譜系統,請訪問我們的Custom Spectroscopy Division