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H1034 Imaging Scanning Monochromator
H1034 Optical Layout
H1034 Spectral Coverage
H1034 Quantum Efficiency

Imaging Scanning Monochromator

HORIBA Scientific OEM has developed a high-throughput imaging scanning monochromator based on an aberration-corrected concave holographic grating with low stray light and high efficiency. This proprietary layout with single optics design is ideal for imaging for low-light applications. 

This instrument can be used as both a tunable excitation light source and a fluorescence emission scanning monochromator, thanks to high grating efficiency in both first and second orders of diffraction. It is also equipped with two opto-sensors and associated hardware for home calibration.

For OEM Industrial Applications

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Emission such as:
• Life Sciences (Plate Readers)
• Chemical Analysis
• High-performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
• End-point Determination
• Color Measurement
• Environmental, Agricultural and Food


*Available in select countries.

You can email OEM Technical Sales at: OEM.US(at) or contact OEM at: +1.732.494.8660 Ext. 7733

事業部: Scientific
製造商: HORIBA Scientific
  • Scanning monochromator with superb imaging
  • Covering UV to NIR range
  • High throughput and low stray light
  • Fast, reliable and reproducible
  • Many grating choices


Please contact us for a full brochure and various options for the H1034


OEM Spectrometer Selection Guide

View and Download our OEM Spectrometer Selection Guide

You can email OEM Technical Sales at: OEM.US(at) or contact OEM at: +1.732.494.8660 Ext. 7733


Please contact us for a full brochure and various options for the H1034


General Monochromator Specifications*

Spectral Coverage

185 – 1,100 nm (Effective coverage depending on grating blaze selection)

Spectrometer Input

Free space; SMA; Customization on request

Spectral Resolution

<1 nm with 100 μm x 8 mm slit
Focal Length

100 mm

Optical Dispersion

7.8 nm/mm

Stray Light

< 0.1% (typical)

Wavelength Accuracy

± 1 nm with linear fitting
Step Repeatability± 0.1 nm (with 1,200 g/mm grating)


Option:OEM drive electronics with custom console app


Grating Selection

H1034 monochromator can be built with several grating choices that all have the same parameters such as curvature, groove density, correction of the aberrations, angle of deviation, and more.

What differs among them is the blazed wavelength.

Grating TypeBlaze Wavelength
Concave Holographic
250 nm
(covering 185-1,000 nm)
350 nm
(covering 185-1,000 nm)
500 nm
(covering 300-1,000 nm)
570 nm
(covering 350-1,000 nm)
Groove Density1,200 (gr/mm)
Dimension38 mm x 38 mm and 42.4 x 42.4 (± 0.1) mm
Input/output angle of deviation34.7°
Input arm length105.19 mm
Exit arm length100.46 mm
Grating efficiencySee the plots below


Grating Efficiency Curves

H1034 gratings can be used in first order for emission scanning and in second and first orders for excitation scanning.


Additional H1034 Monochromator Specifications

Motor Drive
H1034 monochromator features a 4-phase stepper motor and associated worm/gear 90:1 ratio mechanism, encoded, aligned and focused. Two opto-sensors and associated  hardware for home calibration are included in this OEM configuration.

Monochromator stepper motor scanning configuration
Microstepping8 μ steps per step
Initial velocity or Minimum speed300 steps / sec
Maximum speed800 steps / sec
Ramp-up acceleration8,000 steps / sec2
Ramp-down acceleration8,000 steps / sec2
Threshold speed1,400 steps/sec


Mechanical Drawings

Download Mechanical Drawings

You can email OEM Technical Sales at: OEM.US(at) or contact OEM at: +1.732.494.8660 Ext. 7733



* 這些欄位為必填項目。
