HORIBA Scientific 以其高品質和業界領先的拉曼顯微鏡系統而聞名於世。您可以訪問我們的拉曼光譜網頁,以了解有關這些系統的更多資訊。
HORIBA Scientific 的光學光譜部門可以在您的預算範圍內幫助您建立客製化的模組化拉曼光譜儀,以滿足您的特殊需求。 HORIBA Scientific 的一系列模組化光學建構模組可讓您從頭開始建立拉曼實驗,並以適合大多數預算的價格進行高效能拉曼光譜分析。
Flexible Raman System
Affordable ultra-low frequency Raman spectrometer down to 10 cm-1
Photoluminescence and Raman Wafer Imaging
Collaborative Correlative Microscopy
Raman Spectrometers
Raman Spectroscope - Automated Imaging Microscope
Rapid Raman Plate Reader – Multiwell Fast Raman screening
MicroRaman Spectrometer - Confocal Raman Microscope
Benchtop Raman Spectrometer
MINI-CCT+ Mini Raman Spectrometer
Confocal Raman & High-Resolution Spectrometer
for UV Raman spectroscopists
High efficiency dedicated process Raman spectrometer for rugged and robust Raman monitoring.
Fiber coupled microscope
OEM Miniature Raman Systems and Components