VUV Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) provide accurate characterization of thin film thickness and optical properties near and above the bandgap.
High-k dielectrics are under investigation to replace the conventional SiO2 or SiOxNy gate dielectric in many applications of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) devices.
Hafnium aluminium oxides (HfAlO) were investigated in this study as they fulfill the physical properties required for such applications. The structure and composition of hafnium aluminate films as well as the HfAlO / Si interface play a very important role for the optimization of CMOS devices.
For this study complementary optical techniques were used. VUV Spectroscopic ellipsometry and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) provide accurate characterization of thin film thickness and optical properties near and above the bandgap. Optical characterization techniques proved to be complementary to optimize high-k materials used in microelectronic applications
This note shows that the VUV wavelength range of the UVISEL Phase Modulated Ellipsometer is particularly suitable for the accurate characterization of high-k film thickness and interfaces with nanoscale dimensions as well as optical properties and bandgap.
A versatile spectroscopic ellipsometer covering a large range from VUV to NIR