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High Sensitivity Tools for Vaccine Development and Quality

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Webinar Description

Vaccine development is quite challenging, with products consisting of multiple components at very low concentrations. There is a need for robust and rapid analytical tools throughout the product lifecycle: from formulation development with a focus on creating drug products with increased efficacy and stability, to manufacturing where final product needs to be screened for potency and purity. To meet recent surge in demand, we must think outside the box from traditional analytical methods.

Join our webinar to hear experts in the field, Dr. Kevin Dahl of Particlese LLC and Dr. Linda Kidder of HORIBA Scientific provide tips and alternative solutions for better vaccine development and quality. They will discuss the application of multi-laser nanoparticle analysis (NTA) in determining vaccine degradation and total particle count. They will also present a new analytical approach, fluorescence A-TEEM (Absorbance - Transmittance Excitation Emission Matrix) method for rapid screening of similar but different vaccine final formulations.

What will the audience learn?
• Analytical tips from a former Analytical Director at a CDO.
• Why measuring virus aggregation and complex formation is important and how multi-laser NTA plays a part in this process.
• How the A-TEEM method works by combining UV/Vis and Fluorescence EEMs spectroscopy to detect very low concentration components in complex mixtures.

Partica LA-960V2
Partica LA-960V2

Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer

ViewSizer 3000
ViewSizer 3000

Simultaneous Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)

nanoPartica SZ-100V2 Series
nanoPartica SZ-100V2 Series

Nanoparticle Analyzer

Aqualog - A-TEEM Industrial QC/QA Analyzer
Aqualog - A-TEEM Industrial QC/QA Analyzer

A Simple, Fast, “Column Free” Molecular Fingerprinting Technology



* 這些欄位為必填項目。
