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Latest advancements on Malaria & Dengue flagging in routine hematology


Presented by Dr. Parag Dharap, Consultant Pathologist, Diagnostics Center

With more than 400,000 deaths, the Malaria infection is a major burden in southern countries where patient testing remains a difficult challenge to provide accurate and affordable diagnostics tests.This webinar will review the clinical performances of Malaria and Dengue infectious screening flags on HORIBA Medical's blood cell analyzers Yumizen H550. 

 Duration: 30 minutes

 Document: Publication of this study announced in the end of this webinar is available for downloading.

- Chapters - *There is no link embedded, please find the starting point manually on the video.

­00:50 Analyser Based Malaria Detection
03:08 Infectious Screening in Febrile Illness
05:19 Local Needs in infectious screening
07:28 Flag development (by machine learning)
10:35 Performance evaluation study methodology
14:00 Study sample size for Yumizen H550
14:56 Data analysis & results
16:49 Performance of Vivax Malaria flag
21:00 Dengue fever flag
22:25 Diagnostic performane of vivax malaria and dengue fever flags
23:37 Discussion
26:34 Conclusion
28:51 On-site flag performance in 2019


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* 這些欄位為必填項目。
