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HORIBA Webinars

Recorded webinars

The webinars presented on this HORIBA Webinars page are recorded webinars which are accessible for everyone without registration. Please feel free to find themes that interest you and click the "Watch" button to play. If you have any questions or remarks during the webinar you watch, you can contact us via contact form at the bottom of the page. 

CAP Webinar Visual 2023_HORIBA Medical

CAP-HORIBA EQC Awareness Virtual Event 2023


Presented by Dr. Olivier Schnaedelbach, PhD, MBA, Commercial Leader Europe, College of American Pathologists (CAP)

Duration: 45 minutes

ISTH2022 HORIBA Medical - Current advances in deficient factors, D-Dimer and Thrombophilia testing

ISTH2022 HORIBA - Current advances in deficient factors, D-Dimer and Thrombophilia testing


"The scientific aspects of APTT reagents in the assessment of coagulation" with Dr. Annette Bowyer, Department of Coagulation at Sheffield Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre, Sheffield, UK

"Diagnosing protein S deficiencies: clinical and biological aspects" with Dr. Pierre Suchon - INSERM UMR_S 1263, Nutrition Obesity and Risk of Thrombosis, Center for CardioVascular and Nutrition research (C2VN), Hematology Department CHU Timone, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille 13385, France

"Analytical performances of a new immunoturbidimetric D-Dimer assay" with Dr. Laurie Talon – Hematology Department, University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand - France

Duration: 54 minutes

HORIBA Medical Webinar by Dr Francoise Durrieu 07072022

Evaluation of the WBC-differential flagging performances and accuracy of the HORIBA Yumizen H2500 cell counter in oncology patients


Presented by Dr. Françoise DURRIEU, Head of Medical biology laboratory, Bergonie oncology Institute - Bordeaux, France

Duration: 28 minutes

CAP-HORIBA EQC Awareness Virtual Event


Presented by Dr. Olivier Schnaedelbach, PhD, MBA, Commercial Leader Europe, College of American Pathologists (CAP)

Duration: 45 minutes

HORIBA CONNECT Enabling Better Hematology Diagnosis and POC Diagnosis

HORIBA CONNECT: Enabling better hematology diagnosis and Point-of-Care diagnosis

29 & 31/03/2022

"The Incidental Detection of Haemoglobin Variants Through HbA1c Analysis and the Detection of Novel Haemoglobin Variant" with David Strutt.
A Comparison of Optical and Impedance Platelet Counts on the Yumizen Platform” with Raymond Dominic Toghill, University Hospital of Wales.
“Quality Control of Blood Components: The Welsh Experience” with Lesley Evans, Welsh Blood Service.
Parasites in the Night” with Caitlin MacDonald and Jennifer Hodgson, North Devon Hospital, Barnstaple.
“The Utility of Point of Care Testing in a Paediatric Emergency Department” with Sylvester Gomes, Evelina London.


Red Blood Cell Membrane Disorders: from diagnosis to clinical management


Presented by Prof. Loïc GARCON, MD PhD, hematology expert in erythrocytes pathologies, the University Hospital Amiens Picardie, France

Duration: 75 minutes

QSP Webinar 15042021_HORIBA Medical

An Introduction to Morphology


Presented by Andrew Fisher, Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Science (FIBMS) MSc, Technical Specialist at HORIBA UK

Duration: 40 minutes

Biological Thrombophilia in 2021 State of the art HORIBA Medical

Biological Thrombophilia in 2021: State of the art


Presented by Pierre-Emmanuel Morange, Head of the Department of Haematology at the University Hospital Timone, Marseille / Professor of Haematology in the Faculty of Medicine at the Aix-Marseille University

Duration: 75 minutes

Latest advancements on Malaria & Dengue flagging in routine hematology

Latest advancements on Malaria & Dengue flagging in routine hematology


Presented by Dr. Parag Dharap, Consultant Pathologist, Diagnostics Center, Mumbai

Duration: 30 minutes

Webinar_Basic principles of blood quality control - hematology version

Basic principles of blood quality control - hematology version -


Presented by Bertrand Roche, International Market Manager, HORIBA ABX SAS

Duration: 15 minutes

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* 這些欄位為必填項目。
