Tunable PowerArc

Tunable 75W Xe Light Source

The Tunable PowerArc illuminator can be customized to suit many different applications.  Combined with HORIBA’s available accessories, including our full line of monochromators and sample compartments, a specialized setup can be created for any experimental requirement.

The Tunable PowerArc™ Illuminator covers a broad range of scientific, OEM and research applications scuh as:

  • Detector calibration
  • Photochemistry
  • Photo-activation
  • Photobiology
  • Photovoltaics
  • Solar simulators
  • Spectroscopy
  • Optical teaching labs
  • Dermatology
事業部: Scientific
製造商: HORIBA Scientific

Key Benefits of the Tunable PowerArc™ Illuminator

  • Continuously tunable from 180 nm to 24 microns
  • Continuously adjustable bandpass from 0 to 200 nm
  • Milliwatts of energy
  • Push button start and simple dial the wavelength tunability
  • No ozone venting required
  • An Illuminator that is so easy to use, anyone can use it
  • Compact and portable


Find out what makes the Tunable PowerArc makes a better illuminator! 



Optical Specifications
Optical powerUp to 20 mW (grating, bandpass & wavelength dependent)
Spot size at slit exit5 to 10 mm (lamp and slit dependent)
Diverging beam angle (full)14.5 degrees
Numerical aperture (N.A.)0.12
Optical noise0.07% RMS
Optical stability0.2%
Power Supply Specifications
 75 Watt Switch Mode Power Supply75 to 150 Watt Universal Power Supply
Input (user selectable)90–274 V AC, 50–60 Hz105–120 V/60 Hz or 210–240 V/50 Hz
Power rating50 to 100 watts0 to 150 watts
Operating voltage10 to 25 volts10 to 24 volts
Operating current3 to 7 amps0 to 8 amps
Pre-ignition voltage65–75 V DC> 85 volts
Ripple at max current< 3% peak to peak< 10 millivolts
Stability after warm-up0.5%0.2%
Line voltage regulation< 0.5% current variation for 5 volts line change0.1% current variation for 5 volts line change
Monochromator Specifications (using standard 1200 line/mm ruled grating)
Focal length200 mm
Aperture ratioF/4 (calculated using grating width)
Wavelength range180 nm to 2.2 microns (grating dependent)
BandpassContinuously adjustable from 0 to 25 nm
Reciprocal linear dispersion4 nm/mm
Resolution0.25 nm
Scattered light0.02% two bandwidths from 365 nm Hg line
Accuracy+/- 0.25 nm (using motorizing option under computer control)
Reproducibility+/- 0.25 nm
Grating size50 x 50 mm




* 這些欄位為必填項目。



TCSPC Pulsed Sources

FHR Series
FHR Series

High Resolution Monochromators

iHR Series
iHR Series

Mid-Focal Length Imaging Spectrometers

LSH Illuminator
LSH Illuminator

Compact Deuterium, Tungsten Halogen or Glow Bar Light Source

MicroHR Series
MicroHR Series

Short Focal Length Imaging Spectrometers

OEM Raman Lasers with wavelength-stabilization
OEM Raman Lasers with wavelength-stabilization

Only available for volume OEM purchase, minimum order quantity 50 units.


Broadband Xe Light Source

