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The sensitivity of two new APTT reagents to factors VIII, IX, and XI

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A. Bowyer, S. Kitchen and R. Maclean, Department of Coagulation, Sheffield Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre, UK


  • The APTT is used as a screening test for deficiencies of factors VIII, IX and XI. It is recommended that a prolongation to the APTT should be observed when the clotting factor is below 30 IU/dL [ 1 ].
  • APTT reagents may demonstrate different sensitivities to these clotting factors because of their composition.



  • To compare the APTT sensitivity to clotting factors VIII, IX and XI of two new APTT reagents, Yumizen G APTT 4 and Yumizen G APTT Liq 4, (HORIBA Medical, Montpellier, France), with 6 commonly used APTT reagents.



  • FVIII deficient plasma (Siemens, Marburg, Germany), FIX and FXI deficient plasma (Precision Biologic, Halifax, Canada) was spiked with normal plasma (CCNRP, Precision Biologic) to obtain plasmas with factor concentrations of 0 90 IU/dL.
  • APTT were performed on 5 different days with the 8 APTT reagents.
  • Local reference ranges were generated for each reagent using 30 normal donors.
  • The intersection of the upper limit of the APTT reference range and concentration of clotting factor determined the reagent sensitivity.
  • All testing was performed on Sysmex CS5100i instrumentation (Kobe, Japan).



  • Sensitivity to FVIII ranged from 31.5-67.3 IU/dL (Synthasil, Actin FS), median of 43.8 IU/dL.
  • Sensitivity to FIX ranged from 15.9-36.1 IU/dL (APTT SP, Synthasil), median 27.2 IU/dL. Sensitivity to FIX was greater than 30 IU/dL with Synthasil only.
  • Sensitivity to FXI from 28.3-55.2 IU/dL (Actin FSL, Synthafax), median 46.1 IU/dL.
  • Sensitivity to FVIII and FXI was greater than 30 IU/dL with all reagents, with the exception of FXI using Actin FSL (28.3 IU/dL).
  • The sensitivity of Yumizen G APTT 4 ranged from 26.8-43.3 IU/dL.
  • The sensitivity of Yumizen G APTT Liq 4 ranged from 29.7-48.9 IU/dL.
  • Inter assay CV was less than 5.5% for all reagents and clotting factors measured.
  • Average inter assay CV for Yumizen G APTT 4 was 3.7%, 3.9%, 2.6% and Yumizen G APTT Liq4 was 0.9%, 1.3%, 0.9% for FVIII, FIX, FXI respectively.
Figure 1: Factor concentration (APTT 4)
Figure 1: Factor concentration (APTT Liq4)

Figure 1: The sensitivity of APTT4 and APTT Liq4 to FVIII:C (●-red-), FIX:C (●-orange-) and FXI (●-blue) in IU/dL as determined by the intersection between the lower limit of normal (dotted line) and the individual curves. Mean APTT and standard deviation of each point are shown.


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* 這些欄位為必填項目。
