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Gilles Bonicelli1, Philippe Halfon1, Cécile Chabert2, Elise Darrambide2, Jean-Remy Gougaud2, Franck Seguy3, Bruce H Davis3
1Laboratoire Alphabio, Marseille , France, 2Clinical Quality Dept. and 2International Marketing, HORIBA Medical, Montpellier, France and 3Bruce H Davis MD, Inc, Clifton, Maine, USA5
HORIBA Medical has released a new laboratory automation system for hematology testing, the HORIBA Evolutive Laboratory Organization (HELO) system, which includes a new high throughput blood cell counters that offers CBC/DIFF parameters, including routine nucleated RBC counts, fluorescence based reticulocyte analysis and optical extinction platelet counts and body fluid (BF) counting. Initial validation studies were performed to confirm performance specifications on precision, LOQ, linearity, precision and method comparisons to other blood counter models and microscopic leukocyte differential counts, which are reported here. The cell differential matrix is based on the patented HORIBA Double Hydrodynamic Sequential System "DHSS" flow cytometric design. Throughout the performances evaluation, we were able to collect a large number of clinical cases that were the subject of a dedicated study.
273 Fresh blood samples collected in K2 or K3 EDTA from patients and healthy controls were analyzed on a Yumizen H2500 instruments with Yumizen P8000 middleware for method comparison to Beckman Coulter DXH800 instruments. Method comparison and bias estimation were performed according to CLSI EP09-A3. Statistical analysis was performed using Passing Bablok regression fit with Pearson’s and Bland Altman’s difference plots. Precision, linearity and limit of detection were determined according to CLSI and ICSH guidelines.
Precision in the low, normal and high ranges of all parameters was determined to be below the manufacturing specifications for CV, including WBC <2%, RBC < 2%, HGB <1%, HCT <2%, PLT <5% (<10% below 30 x 10^9/L). Linearity was confirmed for platelet counts between <10 – 5000 x 10^9/L, for RBC counts 0.22 – 8.95 x 10^12/L, for HGB 0.6 – 24.5 G/L, for HCT 1.8 – 69.7%, for WBC 0.3 – 406 x 10^9/L and for reticulocytes 0.043 – 1.244 x 10^9/L). The correlation of the DXH - 8000 and Yumizen H2500 models exceeded 0.98 for the parameters of WBC, HBG, HCT, and PLT count and exceeded 0.90 for MPV, RBC and reticulocytes with samples covering the full analytical measurement range. Platelet counts by impedance and optical extinction methods correlated at levels also >0.95.
The Yumizen H2500 instrument is safe, as effective, and performs as well or better than the BCI DXH-800 for all the usual CBC/DIFF parameters. The novel optical extinction platelet count performs as well or better than impedance counts. Ergometric features of the instrument were identified by the naïve users as those functions and custom flag settings, designed to be done within the Yumizen P8000 middleware module. The body fluids analytical validation will have to be evaluated on a larger statistical series (Fig 6).
Table 1: Carry-over specimen values determined for Yumizen H2500
Table 2: Linearity and limits of quantification (LOQ) determined for Yumizen H2500
Figure 6: Body fluids counts, analysis of 123 various serous, CSF and synovial specimens
Picture 1: Results screen of Yumizen P8000 middleware dedicated for HELO Solution
is to assist all users to rapidly familiarize the laboratory scientists and physicians with the Yumizen H1500 and Yumizen H2500 data display. The key to optimal use of any cytometer or blood counter is the subtle use of details provided by careful review of the histograms and data matrix displays.
White cell matrix (left panel) for the cell differential counts for Yumizen H1500 and Yumizen H2500 display the populations of NRBC (A), Lymphocytes (B), “atypical” lymphocytes (C), monocytes (D), neutrophils (E) including “left-shifted” neutrophils (F), eosinophils (G), immature lymphocytes (H), immature monocytes (J) including “left-shifted” monocytes (I) and immature myeloid cells (K).
A threshold at 2% ALY on Yumizen H2500 provides 92 % of correlation with DXH relative sensitivity at 93% and relative specificity at 73%.
On the DIFF scattergram we observe the presence of immature monocytic population. The population is essentially composed of all step of monocytes maturation between the monoblasts, promonocytes and monocytes. The monoid population is perfectly defined in the DIFF scattergram in the dedicated area. We observe also the severe neutropenia. On the WBC histogram, we observe the important ratio of the monocyte cells versus the lymphocyte or granular cells.