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CrimeScope CS-16-500W

Forensic Light Source

The flagship of the SPEX Forensics Product Line, the CrimeScope® CS-16-500W was designed for those departments that prefer the power and IR capabilities of 500W Xenon lamps.

事業部: Scientific
產品分類: Forensics

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Use & Benefits

Designed for the lab to cover every application of a forensic light source but versatile and rugged enough to be taken to the crime scene, the CrimeScope® CS-16-500W provides output in the UV and VIS and is available with optional IR.  It is continuously tunable allowing for complete coverage of the spectrum.

Ease of Use

The CS-16-500W-15F contains an automated filter wheel with an LED readout on the front of the unit. There is a remote control integrated into the working end of the liquid light guide to control wavelength selection. Since the remote is integrated, there is no separate wire, connection, or control to install. An optional foot switch is available for “hands free” operation.

Operate easily with One Hand

With one hand, you can both direct the light and select the wavelength, freeing your other hand for evidence collection. This design - putting the wavelength selecter at the end of the light guide - is a hallmark of SPEX Forensics’s Light Sources.

Infrared Capability

An available option is Infrared output, ideal for forged documents, ink-ink differentiation. Added to the unit is a lightguide with 4 filters that can be plugged into the port on side of instrument.  This capability adds 4 infrared wavelengths; LP630, LP715, LP780, LP830.

Technical Specifications

Type of Lamp: Xenon
Lifetime: 1,500 hours
Electrical Power: 500WAC
Electrical Specifications: 100-220 VOLT +/10%, 50/60 Hz, 7 AMP
Warranty: One Year on Parts and Labor


  • New high throughput filters
  • High intensity 500W Xenon bulb for superior wavelength coverage
  • Most complete - 15 wavelengths on internal motorized wheel
  • UV (300-400nm), 415nm, 445nm, 455nm, 475nm, 495nm, CSS (Crime Scene Search shortpass filter SP540nm), 515nm, 535nm, 555nm, SP575nm, 600nm, 630nm, 670nm, White Light.
  • Wavelength fine tuning
  • Remote control for one hand operation
  • Uniform and adjustable illumination spot
  • Optional computer control software
  • Optional infrared capability; LP 630nm, LP715nm, LP780nm, LP830nm

The CrimeScope is also available configured with 12 wavelengths for economy.

CrimeScope CS-16-400 and CrimeScope CS-16-10

The Original CrimeScope CS-16-10 introduced in 1993 and later, the CrimeScope CS-16-400, are no longer available. They have been replaced by the CS-16-500W above.

Both earlier CrimeScopes are still being supported by SPEX Forensics.

Bruises, Bite Marks and Pattern Wounds
Bruises, Bite Marks and Pattern Wounds
On some individuals, a tunable or multiple wavelength forensic light source may reveal bruise and patterned wound details that are invisible under normal white light illumination.
Detection of Body Fluids with an Alternate Light Source
Detection of Body Fluids with an Alternate Light Source
Since body fluids like semen, saliva, and vaginal fluids are naturally fluorescent, the use of a light source offers a unique method for locating them. A crime scene investigator can narrow down the specific locations of stains for collection instead of testing entire, large pieces of evidence such as a mattress, a carpet, a sheet, an article of clothing, etc. The dried body fluids will actually glow under the light source illumination.
Detection of Gun Shot and Explosive Residues
Detection of Gun Shot and Explosive Residues
There are several different types of residues found both in ammunition and explosives, which fluoresce. By using a tunable Forensic Light Source, observations can be made on items without touching the surface, to see if fluorescent residues are present.
Detection of Trace Evidence
Detection of Trace Evidence
Forensic and Alternate light sources are useful tools to detect both fluorescent and non-fluorescent trace evidence.
Questioned Documents
Questioned Documents
The main application regarding Questioned documents and the use of alternate light sources revolve around “ink differentiation”. Many inks have different formulations, even within the same apparent color type. A tunable forensic light source can be used to identify slight variations in ink type by viewing ink responses as the color of the light is tuned through the visible and infrared regions.




* 這些欄位為必填項目。
