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EasyImage™: Makes Raman Imaging Easy
EasyImage™: Makes Raman Imaging Easy - Video

Optimized Analytical Workflow

EasyImage is HORIBA's new imaging tool for Raman microscopy. Added to the LabSpec6 Software Suite, it allows quick and easy acquisition of meaningful chemical images of your samples without needing a high level of Raman expertise.

EasyImage App simplifies user’s tasks. Meaning fewer user interventions and more time for productive work. You can now benefit from all of HORIBA’s Raman know-how for your measurements!

Check out our LabSpec 6 Video Resource Center to fully master your LabSpec 6 spectroscopy software!

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS

EasyImage App offers an optimized analytical workflow for anyone, even busy users!

  1. Sample focusing and area of interest selection
  2. Imaging parameter optimization
  3. spectral fingerprint selection
  4. Rapid measurement preview
  5. High quality of Raman chemical image acqusition

  • Automated objective detection for LabRAM Soleil only
  • Intelligent spectral range selection
  • Automated and manual spectral preview, directly on the video image
  • On-the-fly customization of spatial resolution
  • Automated background removal/using FLAT correction
  • Automated spectral identification/with integrated KnowItAll® database
  • Automated loading generation using integrated MVAPlus chemometrics
  • Customizable templates and complete analysis report

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