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χSTaiN™ - Instant Raman Analysis Logo

Instant Raman Analysis

 χSTaiN is HORIBA's innovative and intelligent tool for fully automated processing and analysis of Raman 2D images.

Feed your 2D Raman raw data set to the χSTaiN App and get impressive results about your sample!

Check out our LabSpec 6 Video Resource Center to fully master your LabSpec 6 spectroscopy software!

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS

Fast and easy-to-use application, χSTaiN processes the hyperspectral data and classifies compounds within a sample using intelligent chemometrics tools.

 From first-time user to expert, discover the instant benefits from χSTaiNTM LabSpec 6:

  • Ultra-fast reliable one click operation
    • Optimized Processing operations: baseline subtraction, filtering/smoothing and normalization
    • Advanced chemometrics procedures based on Principal Components Analysis and Multivariate Curve Resolution
    • Automated loadings/chemical compounds evaluation including a confidence indicator
  • Customizable Image display of spatial distribution of the most contributive chemical compounds


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