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QSP Newsletter

QSP Newsletter 45 - Neutrophilia, Myelocytes

March 2024

Monthly Digital Case Study
March Slides
Case Study Slide 1 Continnued
(PDF for print)

Monthly Digital Case Study (QSP Slide 1, March 2024)

FBC Results

WBC 48.8* (10^3/mm3)Neutrophils 83.1%
RBC 2.38* (10^6/mm3)Lymphocytes 1.5%
HGB 7.5* (g/dL)Monocytes 2.9%
HCT 23.1 (%)Promyelocytes 1.5%
MCV 97 (fL)Muelocytes 5.1%
MCH 32.5 (pg)Metamyelocytes 5.9%
MCHC 32.5 (g/dL)Normoblasts, Erythroblasts 2
PLT 270 (10^3/mm3) 

Clinical Details

Male age 56, pulmonology unit, multiple alarms on leukocyte differential

Slide Information

Anemia. Leukocytosis. Neutrophilia. Hyposegmented neutrophils (band cells) / Immature granulocytes. Monocytosis. No Blastosis associated with myelemia. Presence of rare erythroblasts.

Expert's comments:

Diagnostic approach:

1/ First exclude a non-hematological cause (Splenomegaly).

2/ If hematological cause: atypical Myeloproliferative disorder? (CML not the initial diagnosis).

March Slides

See monthly case study above.

81% Atypical Lymphocytes, severe neutropenia.

RBC auto agglutination.

Severe Thrombocytopenia.

Immunophenotyping required.



Discreet aniso-poikilocytosis(+), presence of elliptocytes/ovalocytes.

Hypochromic(+) RBCs.

Severe thrombocytosis, with the presence of rare macro-platelets/giant platelets.

Expert’s comment:

Diagnostic approach:

Take the picture as a whole:

1/ Inflammatory cause (most likely)?

2/ Hematological cause (MPD)?

WBC 30 x 10^3/mm3), 74% Lymphocytes numerous smear cells? CLL


Nothing to report.

Case Study Slide 1 Continued


Hyposegmented (Left Shift) Neutrophils


These cells show the specific granulation of mature neutrophils but the nucleus does the full segmentation of normal Neutrophil. Please also note the cytoplasmic vacuolation.



Slightly larger than a mature Neutrophil, indented nucleus, abundant specific granules rare azurophilic granules.



Similar size to Metamyelocyte, nucleus is round (no or little indentation) with no nucleolus, condensed chromatin. Has both specific granules and azurophilic granules.



Larger cell than any of the above and larger than Myeloblast. Nucleus has open chromatin with nucleoli may be present. Azurophilic granules only.


45 quiz cells

Cell Quiz

A patient presents with numerous cells as opposite. What further investigation should be performed?


The answer will be displayed in the next QSP Newsletter and on our social media (LinkedIn / Facebook / X).


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