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SERS Substrates

Ultrasensitive molecular detection

An extremely effective SERS substrate that enables ultrasensitive molecular detection for a wide area range of applications and R&D-purposes.


  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Biotech industry
  • Food industry
  • Research institutions
Segment: Scientific

The SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering) technique is known to be a powerful tool for chemical and biological sensing applications. 

HORIBA proposes SERS substrates which offer excellent reproducibility and significant enhancement allowing detection of molecules which otherwise could not be detected using classical Raman spectroscopy, as well as easier and faster analysis of weak Raman scatterers.

  • SERS substrates from Silmeco performs better than other famous SERS substrates on the market
  • SERS signal uniformity over large areas (up to 4”)
  • Very low background noise
  • Compatible with high volume manufacturing (HVM) process flows

Featured Webinars

Plasmonic and Raman: SERS and TERS
During this webinar, we present how the coupling of plasmonic and Raman effects results to with SERS and TERS and details some applications.

Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS Exploration of MXenes
Hear three experts in the field of Raman Spectroscopy discuss Raman, SERS and TERS for 2D materials




Dimensions3x3 mm (other dimensions are available on custom request)
SERS active area9 mm2 
Sensitivityppm to ppb
SERStrate surface metalsGold or Silver
Substrate materialNanostructured Si
Measurement areaArbitrary
Sampling methods*Vapor deposition, drop deposition, substrate incubation (immersion)
Laser excitation wavelengths*514 (silver), 532 (silver), 633 (silver), 780-785 (silver + gold) nm
Laser power density*<10 W/cm2


* Recommended

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