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Carbon Recycling

We contribute to the improvement and expansion of carbon recycling technology through measurement and analysis technologies from processes to materials, including gas monitoring technology for CO2 and other gases, and analysis of catalyst materials for the production of chemicals and synthetic fuels.

Carbon recycling is a technology that effectively turns CO2 and waste plastics into chemicals, fuels, various materials and thermal energy.  

One of the typical applications is methanation that uses renewable energy to synthesize methane (CH4) by reacting CO2 with hydrogen obtained from water. Another is the artificial photosynthesis that synthesizes chemicals using CO2 as raw material to convert water and CO2 into hydrogen and organic compounds, using solar energy like plants. 

Table of Contents


Synthetic Fuels and Methanation

Synthetic fuels are made by synthesizing CO2 and hydrogen, and those which are made with green hydrogen (CO2-free hydrogen derived from renewable energy) are called "e-fuel".   

Additionally, methanation technology is expected to be put into practical use. It synthesizes methane (CH4) through a chemical reaction of hydrogen and CO2 after electrolyzing water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity derived from renewable energy, or synthesizes methane from synthesis gas (mixed gas of hydrogen and CO) obtained from the co-electrolysis of water and CO2. Methane can be used as a raw material for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for city gas and methanol, and those which is produced in this way is also called "synthetic methane" or "carbon neutral methane". 

Gas Concentration Monitoring

In the methanation processes, it is required to measure and monitor the concentrations of highly-purified hydrogen and CO2 as the raw materials for methanation, as well as synthesized methane gas.  


HORIBA Solutions >>

R&D applications
For measurement of a wide variety of trace gases generated: FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer FTX-ONE series
For measurement of major gas components: Multi-Componenst Gas Analyzer VA-5000 Series

Production process applications
For measurement of major gas components:Multi-Componenst Gas Analyzer VA-5000 Series
For monitoring H2 concentration: Thermal conductivity hydrogen analyzer for explosion-proof process TCA-51 series
For monitoring CO2 and CH4 concentration: Explosion-proof Infrared Analyzer EIA-51d/p

Co-electrolysis Evaluation

Major methanation technologies include " Sabatier reaction technology," in which hydrogen produced by electrolyzing water reacts with CO2 in a Sabatier reactor to produce methane, and " co-electrolysis technology," in which water and CO2 are simultaneously electrolyzed to produce hydrogen and CO and are subsequently used to produce methane in a methanation reactor.
Compared to the Sabatier reaction technology, the co-electrolysis technology is superior in terms of energy conversion efficiency because it generates less heat loss from the waste heat generated during the reaction.


HORIBA Solution >>

The water electrolysis cell stack evaluation system Evaluator EC / ES evaluates the H2 production performance and durability of SOECs by flowing various gases. Samples with output power from 1W to 100kW at temperatures ranging up to 1100°C can be evaluated.

CO2-derived Chemical Production and Artificial Photosynthesis

Technologies that use CO2 as a raw material to produce chemicals and storable energy (hydrogen, methanol, methane, etc.) through chemical reactions are also an important element of carbon recycling. Among these, artificial photosynthesis is a technology that uses solar energy to synthesize chemicals such as olefins from water and CO2. It is called "artificial photosynthesis" because it resembles the mechanism by which plants carry out photosynthesis from sunlight and CO2. R&D for more efficient photocatalysts is underway with the aim of achieving a decarbonized society.

Characterization of Photocatalysts for Artificial Photosynthesis

To effectively utilize sunlight, it is necessary to excite complex catalysts to long wavelength areas such as the near-infrared area. The excited state of the complex catalyst is correlated with fluorescence spectroscopy.


HORIBA Solution >>

Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer Duetta can evaluate luminescence properties in the near-infrared area, such as above 1,000 nm, and contributes to the improvement of reaction efficiency of catalyst materials.

Absorption and Fixation in Concrete Materials

CO2 emissions in concrete production (especially cement production) can be reduced in total by combining "CO2 fixation", which is the absorption and fixation of CO2 in concrete, with the use of industrial by-products.

HORIBA Solution >>

The carbon and sulfur analyzer EMIA-Step can measure the amount of carbon while raising the temperature, which enables to measure the change in the amount of CO2 adsorbed on concrete and other materials depending on temperature.

Material Recycling

Utilization of Cellulose Nanofiber (CNF)

Chemical Recycling (Disassembly and Reuse as Chemicals and Raw Materials)

RPF (Refuse Paper & Plastic Fuel) is a solidified fuel made mainly from used paper and waste plastic.

Screening analysis of chlorine concentration in RPF

RPF may contain chlorine (CI), which is one of the causes of incinerator degradation, and checking for CI before using RPF as fuel for incinerators can help prevent incinerator degradation.


HORIBA Solution >>

MESA-50 is a portable, A4-size tabletop X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer that uses an SDD detector that does not require liquid nitrogen, making elemental analysis simple and quick.

Thermal Recycling (Incinerated and Reused as Heat)

Gas and dust measurement plays an important role in the optimal operation of incineration plants and power generation facilities that use waste plastics and RPF as fuel, as well as in high-efficiency power generation. We continue developing solutions with new measurement methods and analyzers.


HORIBA Solutions>>

For Accurate and Continuous Measurement of Flue Gas Components after Boiler Combustion : Stack Gas Analysis System ENDA-5000 Series
For hydrogen chloride removal process and flue gas monitoring: Tunable Laser Gas Analyzer TX-100
For GHG (Green House Gas) measurement in any location, such as laboratory or in the field: Portable Gas Analyzer PG-300 Series
Automatic measurement of mass concentration and elemental composition of dust (microparticles, soot, ash, etc.) contained in combustion exhaust gas and air in a single unit: Continuous Particulate Monitor with X-ray Fluorescence PX-375

Consultation for Analysis and Contract Analysis Services

We have a long-standing commitment to analysis and evaluation of advanced materials. Your sample is measured by a highly-trained member of our Application Centers and presented as a formal report complete with method, observations, results and data interpretation assistance. 

In addition to consultation on the selection of analytical instruments, we also provide analytical technologies through services such as contract analysis and joint research with customers and academia, utilizing our know-how and skills as an analytical instrument manufacturer.

Analysis Centers and Services

Reduction of CO2 Emission

Reduce CO2 emissions in manufacturing and power generation through CO2 separation and capture and improved productivity

Direct Carbon Capture

Achieve negative emissions through capturing CO2 in the ambient air and CO2 from biomass combustion with DAC and BECCS

Carbon Capture and Utilization TOP

Contribute to various processes for recovering CO2 from its source and effectively utilizing it as a resource with our "measurement" technology

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