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SmartSPM, Scanning Probe Microscope

Advanced stand-alone AFM

The SmartSPM Scanning Probe Microscope is the first 100% automated system that offers its cutting-edge technology of ultra-fast, metrological and high-resolution measurements for the most advanced materials research at the nanoscale in all AFM and STM modes. With the SmartSPM zooming in from large up to 100 µm overview scans down to atomic resolution has become a reality. Its design has been specially developed to be capable of being seamlessly integrated with optical spectroscopies (SNOM, Raman, Photoluminescence and TERS/SERS techniques).

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS

Automation of operation / Ease of use

Fully automated laser to photodiode alignment (no user click-on-spot is required!).

Exchanging probes has never been so easy before!

Fully automated configuration for the most common AFM modes.

Extremely fast system adjustment before starting measurements!


Resolution / Stability / Accuracy

One single 100µm scanner gets large scans as well as goes down to molecular or atomic resolution.

No vibration isolation is required for standard measurements.

The lowest noise closed loop sensors make it possible to have them on even during molecular resolution imaging and get the most accurate results.


Fast scanning

Scanner resonant frequencies >7kHz in XY and >15kHz in Z are the highest in the AFM industry today.

Optimized scanner control algorithms makes it possible to scan much faster than ever before!


All SPM modes included plus Nanolithography with no additional units and costs

Kelvin Probe Microscopy, Piezoresponse Force Microscopy, Nanolithography and Nanomanipulation are all included in the basic package!


Flexibility to upgrade to AFM-Raman

The SmartSPM was designed from the ground up for easy and appropriate coupling with Raman systems.



Measuring Modes

  • Contact AFM in air;
  • Contact AFM in liquid (optional);
  • Semicontact AFM in air;
  • Semicontact AFM in liquid (optional);
  • True Non-contact AFM;
  • Dynamic Force Microscopy (DFM, FM-AFM);
  • Dissipation Force Microscopy;
  • Top Mode;
  • Phase Imaging;
  • Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM);
  • Force Modulation;
  • Conductive AFM (optional);
  • I-Top mode (optional);
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM);
  • Kelvin Probe (Surface Potential Microscopy);
  • Single-pass Kelvin Probe;
  • Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)
  • Electric Force Microscopy (EFM);
  • Single-pass MFM/EFM (“Plane scan”);
  • Force curve measurements;
  • Piezo Response Force Microscopy (PFM);
  • PFM-Top mode;
  • Nanolithography;
  • Nanomanipulation;
  • STM (optional);
  • Photocurrent Mapping (optional);
  • Volt-ampere characteristic measurements (optional);
  • Shear-force Microscopy with tuning fork (ShFM);
  • Normal Force Microscopy with tuning fork.


SmartSPM Scanner and Base

Sample scanning range: 100 µm x 100 µm x 15 µm (±10 %)

Scanning type by sample: XY non-linearity 0.05 %; Z non-linearity 0.05 %

Noise: < 0.1 nm RMS in XY dimension in 200 Hz bandwidth with capacitance sensors on; < 0.02 nm RMS in XY dimension in 100 Hz bandwidth with capacitance sensors off; < 0.04 nm RMS Z capacitance sensor in 1000 Hz bandwidth

Resonance frequency: XY: 7 kHz (unloaded); Z: 15 kHz (unloaded)

X, Y, Z movement: Digital closed loop control for X, Y, Z axes; Motorized Z approach range 18 mm

Sample size: Maximum 40 x 50 mm, 15 mm thickness

Sample positioning: Motorized sample positioning range 5 x 5 mm

Positioning resolution: 1 µm


AFM Head HE001

Laser wavelength: 1300nm;

No registration laser influence on biological sample;

No registration laser influence on photovoltaic measurements.

Registration system noise: <0.03nm.

Fully motorized: 4 stepper motors for cantilever and photodiode automated alignment.

Free access to the probe for additional external manipulators and probes;

Top and side simultaneous optical access: planapochromat objectives 10x, NA=0.28 and 20x, NA=0.42 respectively.


AFM Head HE002*

Laser wavelength: 1300nm;

No registration laser influence on biological sample;

No registration laser influence on photovoltaic measurements;

Registration system noise: <0.1nm;

Fully motorized: 4 stepper motors for cantilever and photodiode automated alignment;

Free access to the probe for additional external manipulators and probes;

Top and side simultaneous optical access: with planapochromat objectives, Side objective up to 100x, NA=0.7 Top objective 10x, NA=0.28 simultaneously;

* With HE002 Contact and Semicontact AFM in liquid are impossible.


Optical microscope

Numerical aperture: up to 0.1;

Magnification: on 19" monitor with 1/3" CCD from 85x to 1050x;

Horizontal field of view: from 4.5 to 0.37 mm;

Manual detent zoom: 12.5x (motorized zoom optional);

Stand and coarse/fine focusing unit;

Capability to use planapochromat objectives 10x, NA=0.28 and 20x, NA=0.42 and 100x, NA=0.7 (depends on AFM head);


Liquid cell (optional)

Sample size: 2mm thickness, 25mm diameter;

Sample positioning range: 5x5mm;

Positioning resolution: 1um;

Cell size: 40x40x12mm;

Volume of liquid: 3ml;

Capability of liquid exchange;

Autoclave and ultrasonic cleaning of cell parts.


Liquid cell with temperature control (optional)

Sample size: 2mm thickness, 25mm diameter;

Heating: up to 60°C;

Cooling: below room temperature down to 5°C;

Sample positioning range: 5x5mm;

Positioning resolution: better than 1.5um;

Cell size: 40x40x12mm;

Volume of liquid: 3ml;

Capability of liquid exchange;

Autoclave and ultrasonic cleaning of cell parts.


Conductive AFM unit (optional)

Current range: 100fA ÷ 10uA;

3 current ranges (1nA, 100na and 10uA) switchable from program;

Voltage range: -10 ÷ +7V;

RMS current noise: less than 60fA for 1nA range.

Conductive to Kelvin mode switchable from program.


Combined Shear-force and Normal force tuning fork holder (optional)

Compatible with tuning forks with free resonant frequency 32,768 kHz;

Two types of PCBs for tuning fork fixation for shear-force and normal force operation;

Piezoceramic excitation of tuning fork vibration;

Integrated preamplifier for low noise;

Compatible with 100x side objective for TERS\TEPL measurements;

Compatible with 10x top objective.


Nanoindenter unit (optional)

Maximum load: 5mN.

Load noise floor: less than 100nN.

Displacement noise floor: less than 0.2 nm.


Compatibility with optical systems

No interference with optical imaging due to infrared laser;

Upgradeability to OmegaScope for spectroscopic, photovoltaic, SNOM and TERS & TEPL operation.


Protection enclosure with stand for optical microscope (optional)

Acoustic isolation: 30dB;

Electrostatic shielding;

Inlet and outlet fittings for environmental control connection;

Focusing with micrometer screw ± 6.5mm;

Micrometer reading: 10 um;

Focusing sensitivity: better 1um;

Fast service lift: range up to 98mm;

XY positioning: ± 2mm;

Optional fine focusing for 100x objective:

Fine focusing 0.2mm;

Micrometer reading 0.5 um;

Focusing sensitivity better 0.1um;


Humidity control system (optional)

Relative humidity range: 10-85%;

Relative humidity stability: ±1%;



Automatic alignment of registration system;

Automatic configuration and presetting for standard measuring techniques;

Automatic cantilever resonance frequency adjustment;

Capability to work with force curves;

Macro language Lua for programming user functions, scripts and widgets;

Capability to program controller with DSP macro language in real time without reloading control software;

Capability to process images in coordinate space including making cross-sections, fitting and subtracting of polynomial surface up to 12 degree;

FFT processing with capability to treat images in frequency space including filtration and analysis;

Nanolithography and nanomanipulation;

Processing up to 5000x5000 pixel images.

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