EzTime Software

Intuitive, Automated, Touchscreen Software for Time-Resolved TCSPC and MCS Control, Acquisition and Data Analysis

EzTime™ is designed for use with the HORIBA DeltaFlex Fluorescence Lifetime Systems.

It is a complete application that handles the following:

  • Instrument recognition and control
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis


EzTime has been optimized for use with touch screen computers and can autofit data, requiring minimal operator interaction. It also enables the operator to define their specific data collection task using a simple, but potent, built-in scripting language.

Сегмент: Scientific
Подразделение: Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Производитель: HORIBA Scientific
Base product: DeltaFlex

EzTime Acquisition Modules

  • One package for system control, data collection and analysis
  • Multithreaded operation - analyze one dataset while acquiring the next
  • Autofit feature – data automatically fitted with 1, 2 and 3 exponential models at end of acquisition
  • Scripting – simple scripting commands to control data acquisition process and autofit
  • Optimized for use with touch screen computers / monitors
  • Tabulate function enables data and analysis to be saved in spreadsheetform (EzTime features a built-in spreadsheet editor and exported spreadsheets will open in MS® Excel®). Spreadsheets can be manipulated using the scripting feature to build custom reports
  • Different time ranges can be displayed on the same graph
  • Display of both time-resolved and spectral data on the same chart
  • Autoset function (remembers hardware settings for decay and IRF measurements)
  • Hardware settings recorded with IRFs and decays
  • Automated scripts included for common measurements (TRES, anisotropy, turret scan)
  • Script editor feature
  • Support for photon streaming (aka time tag) modes (requires appropriate hardware)
  • Automated instrument recognition and control

EzTime Data Analysis Modules

The fitting modules include the following models:

  • 1 to 5 exponentials
  • Exciplex
  • Förster quenching 2D
  • Förster quenching 3D
  • Micellar quenching
  • Stretched exponential
  • Yokota-Tanimoto quenching
  • Non-extensive decay (NED) distribution (up to five gamma distributions)
  • Maximum entropy method (MEM)
  • Global analysis for 1 to 5 exponentials
  • Anisotropy analysis
  • Batch analysis mode
  • Time-resolved emission spectra (TRES)
  • Time slicing TRES data
  • Decay associated spectra


Real time fitting features:

  • Automated fitting of 1, 2 & 3 exponentials
  • Ability to simply export data and results
  • Automated selection of fit range
  • Graphical and numeric representation


Have an EzTime of Your Experiments With F-link Communication Bus

With EzTime software and the F-link communication bus, it is easy for even the newest user to identify exactly what components are on the DeltaFlex at any time. F-link is an internal bus that is used in the DeltaFlex to link the various components together. For example, the sample compartment lid is interlocked via F-link to protect the detector and optionally switch off the laser. Other accessories, such as motorized polarizers and time-domain monochromators, also come with F-link. Since each F-link “node” is intelligent, whenever an F-link component is added to the system, it is auto-detected, and the configuration automatically updates without relying on troublesome registry settings.

Students, or multiple users at a core facility, will never be surprised with no sample signal due to the wrong LED or laser fiode is being used because the F-link communication allows EzTime to be “aware” of what the instrument set up and condition is. New F-link compatible components can be “sensed” by the software, enabling hardware additions to be simply added.

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