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TITAN Engine

TITAN Engine - Engine Testing Dynamometer

Engine Test Stand System

The TITAN Engine Test System series contains fully equipped engine test stands which are designed for various categories of internal combustion engines, ranging from light-to heavy-duty engines, including off-road engines, powered two-wheeler engines, small internal combustion engines from carts, snowmobiles or motorboats as well as aircraft turbines. Besides, it is also possible to test alternative fueled engines, such as hydrogen (H2 ICE).

The modular design of the engine testing dynamometer allows for a flexible adaptation to your specific engine testing needs and ensures that future upgrades can easily be added to meet new testing requirements. All systems supplied are pre-tested and pre-assembled on a mounting plate ensuring fast and reliable installation on site without need for special foundations. TITAN Engine test stands are available for applications in fundamental research and development, including steady state or transient tests such as endurance, function and emission tests as well as dynamic simulations. In addition to that, special applications are possible, including lubrication and coolant testing, NVH and environmental simulations within anechoic or climatic chambers and a containerized solution to allow a flexible set-up within buildings as well as outdoors.

To ensure the optimal fit with your testing processes, TITAN is available in different product variants, targeting differing sets of test applications:

To optimize your testing experience, all systems are equipped with a SPARC Engine test stand controller and a STARS ENGINE test automation system and can be tailored to your specific testing needs by integrating data acquisition systems, sensors packages as well as a large number of different special intelligent instrumentations such as fuel flow meters, raw and dilute gas and particulate emission measuring devices.

  • Flexibility and high quality for Research and Development (R&D)
  • High level of durability
  • Worldwide support
  • Maintenance-friendly
  • High precision

Available TITAN Engine Test Modules

Load SystemTITAN Engine STITAN Engine TTITAN Engine D
Mounting plate with steel springsX  
Mounting plate with air dampers XX
Eddy current dynoX  
Hydraulic brakeX  
Dynas 3 HT, HD AC machine X 
Dynas 3 LI AC machine  X

SPARC ENGINE test stand controller

Torque flangeXXX
Torque Calibration ToolXXX
Magnetic FilterX  
Engine StarterX  
Calculation of a shaft connectionXXX
Special shaft connection for diesel engines with high torqueX
(TITAN Engine S190)
Manual operator panel for SPARC test stand controllerXXX
LSR throttle controllerXXX
E-GAS Simulator module XX
Automatic Gearbox simulation  X
Additional engine pallet XX
Installation gauge for engine pallet XX
Media Interface XX
Additional media connections XX
Switchbox for engine electronicsXXX
Portable operator handset for throttle actuatorXXX
Adaption of throttle pedal at actuatorXXX
ServicesTITAN Engine STITAN Engine TTITAN Engine D
In house system testXXX
System installationXXX
Instruction / informal trainingXXX
Final acceptanceXXX
Media ConditioningTITAN Engine STITAN Engine TTITAN Engine D
Conditioning module for engine coolantXXX
Water filter facility circuitXXX
Water filter engine circuitXXX
Heating system for cooling waterXXX
Conditioning module for engine oil XX
Water filter facility circuit XX
Water filter engine circuit XX
Heating system for cooling water XX
Data Logging SystemTITAN Engine STITAN Engine TTITAN Engine D
Weather StationXXX
Fuel consumption measurement with integrated cooling systemX  
Fuel consumption measurement with integrated cooling and heating system XX
Inlet pressure controllerXXX
Density sensorX  
Outlet pumpX  
External vacuum pump for negative inlet pressure XX
Total consumption measuring XX
Overflow sampling reservoir XX
Combustion air flow measuring systemXXX
Blow by gas measurementXXX
Pressure transducersXXX
Pressure rack XX
Resistance thermometer (PT 100)XXX
Temperature rackXXX
STARS Automation SystemTITAN Engine STITAN Engine TTITAN Engine D
STARS LITE steady state packageX  
Software interface to calibration systems via ASAM ACI XX
Standard driver for SPARC controllerXX 
Advanced SPARC driver for RLS control  X
STARS Office versionXXX
STARS Cluster ServerXXX
System language in English, German or JapaneseXXX
Software maintenance and hotlineXXX
Standard application contentXXX
Heavy duty emissions testing package (HDEET) XX
Light duty emissions testing package (LDEET)  X

Возможные варианты продуктов

TITAN Engine D
TITAN Engine D

Dynamic Engine Test Stand System

TITAN Engine S
TITAN Engine S

Steady-State Engine Test Stand System

TITAN Engine T
TITAN Engine T

Transient Engine Test Stand System

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Dynamic Engine Test Stand System

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