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Chlorine Sensor

Our Chlorine Sensor is based on proven amperometric measurement technology. It is factory calibrated and zero calibration is not required. It’s long life membrane cap is replaceable with refillable gel electrolyte. It is suitable for measurement of residual chlorine (free or total) in various Industrial water and waste water application.


  • Industrial waste water treatment plant
  • Municipal waste water treatment plant
  • Drinking water treatment plant
  • Surface water application
  • Other process water application
Подразделение: Water Pollution
Dimension DrawingMeasurement Range0-20 mg/L (or ppm)
Measurement TechniqueMembrane-covered, three electrode amperometric technology
Accuracy± 0.1 mg/L
Repeatability± 0.05 mg/L (25 °C)
Reproducibility± 4%
Response Time90 second to 90% (T-90), 25 °C
Operating Temperature0 to 50 °C
Operating PressureMaximum 15 PSI
Sample pH4-12, greatly reduced pH interference
Flow Requirement Minimum30 L/hr (0.6 cm/s)
Flow Requirement Maximum60 L/hr (1.3 cm/s)
MaterialBody Housing: PVC, ABS
Membrane: Hydrophilic PTFE
Electrode: Silver-Silver Halide/ Gold/316SS
Temperature CompensationIn-built, Automatic
Warrantee1 Year


Reference part

CHLSETAmperometric chlorine set
Range: 0 – 20 mg/l Cl2
Built-in temperature compensation,
Includes chlorine electrode, pH electrode,
electrode holder, flow meter, mounting plate,
and 3 feet cable
ELCHLAmperometric chlorine electrode
ELCHL–MMembrane cap for ELCHL chlorine electrode
ELCHL–RRefillable electrolyte for ELCHL chlorine electrode
ELPHpH online electrode, general purpose

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