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Video YouTube_CellaVision integration on HELO automated lab track system - Unique User Benefits

Digital Cell Morphology Systems


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Сегмент: Healthcare
Подразделение: Hematology
Производитель: CellaVision AB (publ)
Base product: Peri Analytical

Возможные варианты продуктов

CellaVision® DC-1
CellaVision® DC-1

Digital Cell Morphology System

CellaVision® DM1200
CellaVision® DM1200

Digital Cell Morphology System

CellaVision® DM9600
CellaVision® DM9600

Digital Cell Morphology System

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