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Immunoaffinity column to clean up aflatoxins

With AFLAKING, even spices can be easily and accurately cleaned up.

AFLAKING does not require high dilution, allowing quick and easy cleanups of a wide range of foodstuffs from nuts and grains to spices. With conventional immunoaffinity columns, organic solvent extracts need to be diluted to approximately 2%, resulting in sample solution turbidity and associated difficulties in the analysis of spices.

Сегмент: Healthcare
Подразделение: NIVD
Производитель: HORIBA, Ltd.
  • High tolerance of organic solvents enables rapid cleanups with only a small amount of sample extract.
    AFLAKING offers excellent tolerance of the acetonitrile and methanol generally used to extract aflatoxins. The column provides an aflatoxin recovery rate of 80% or higher with an acetonitrile concentration of up to 20% or methanol concentration of up to 40%. This feature enables aflatoxin cleanups with lower dilution.
  • Cleanups can be performed simultaneously with aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2.
    The antibody used in AFLAKING possesses equivalent reactivity against any of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2. This feature allows all four aflatoxins to be cleaned up at the same time.
     Roast peanutsCorn gritsPearl barleyPaprika*White pepper *Chili peppers*Turmeric*Coriander *
    Note: Recovery rate (%) following the addition of 16 ng/g of total aflatoxin
    * Data on spices supplied by Professor Motohiro Nishijima, Jissen Women's University, Japan.
  • Cleanups of aflatoxin M1 are also possible.

    The antibody used in AFLAKING reacts equivalently against aflatoxin M1, enabling cleanups of this aflatoxin.


    Note: Recovery rate (%) following the addition of 0.5 ng/g of aflatoxin M1

Product nameAFLAKNG
ModelAC01-25 (25 units), AC01-50 (50 units)
Intended purposeCleanup column for the analysis of aflatoxins in foodstuffs.
Recovery rateAt least 80% when 10 ml of 18% acetonitrile solution containing 5 ng each of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, or G2 is applied to an AFLAKING column.
At least 80% when 10 ml of 18% acetonitrile solution containing 5 ng of aflatoxin M is applied to an AFLAKING column.
Effective lifetimeApproximately 12 months from the date of manufacuture when stored at 8℃
  • Immunoaffinity column (IAC)
    An IAC is a column with an antibody immobilized in gel designed for cleanups. An IAC offers outstanding selectivity because it uses the property of the antibody to bond to a specific antigen. It is also able to efficiently recover the target substance, resulting in excellent cleanup capability.
  • Aflatoxin analysis
    An aflatoxin is a highly virulent mycotoxin that is frequently detected in a wide variety of foodstuffs and animal feeds. Although a large number of aflatoxin-related compounds have been discovered to date, it is aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, and M1 that have presented problems in food safety. Aflatoxin B1, in particular, is known to be extremely carcinogenic when produced in nature.

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