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Video Introducing a Technological Breakthrough in Raman Imaging with the EasyNav™ Package

Navigate your sharp image in real-time

NavSharpTM technology delivers sharp and rapid navigation on a sample image with any topography, keeping the field of view constantly focussed on the sample surface.

NavSharpTM  and ViewSharpTM are patented technologies: EP3351992B1

Check out our LabSpec 6 Video Resource Center to fully master your LabSpec 6 spectroscopy software!

Сегмент: Scientific
Подразделение: Raman Spectroscopy
Производитель: HORIBA France SAS

With NavSharpTM, the video live mode readjusts the surface focus automatically as you move over the sample. With NavSharpTM, even rough sample images remain in focus

  • Easily navigate your sharp sample
  • Automatic focus !
  • Clearly see even through rough samples


NavSharpTM Examples:

Without NavSharpTM

With NavSharpTM


NavSharpTM application is included is the groundbreaking EasyNavTM package.

NavSharpTM app is available in the LabStore of LabSpec 6 spectroscopy software suite:

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