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Yumizen SPS


Slide Preparation System

The Yumizen SPS offers an optimal blood smear quality in a completely secure enclosure.

Intelligent modes of use
• Automatic mode with dedicated needle: bi-directional/query, reflex testing
• Manual stain mode (body fluids, bone marrow, leuko-concentrations…)

User and results security
• Positive identification
• Closed blood and reagents circuits
• Compatible with both Yumizen H1500 and Yumizen H2500 hematology analzyers

Quality of the blood smear
• Film quality: cells repartition, cells form, cells staining
• Security of results
• Comfortable work on microscope

Turn around time optimized
• Workload reduction by automating time consuming slide preparation
• Customized programming to suit the work practices of each laboratory and to offer a totally flexible approach to laboratory and patient management.

Working practice defined
• Adaptable smearing process
• Availability of different staining protocols (May-Grunwald Giemsa, Wright, Wright Giemsa, etc.)

Ideal match for the digital microscopy system
• Standardization of the smear and stain
• Avoids systematic calibration of the digital microscope and the camera.


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Сегмент: Healthcare
Подразделение: Hematology
Производитель: HORIBA ABX SAS
Base product: Peri Analytical

Physical Specifications

Dimensions and weightHeight 44 cm / 17.3 in
Width 91 cm / 35.8 in
Depth 72 cm / 28.3 in
Weight 60 kg / 132 lb
Temperature and humiditySystem operating temperature: from +19°C (+66.2°F) to +26°C (+78.8°F)
Humidity conditions: relative humidity of 50%
Maximum for temperatures up to +26°C (+78.8°F)
Maximum relative humidity 50%
Sample volumeAutomatic cycle 75 µL
Power supply and electrical consumptionPower supply 100 V to 240 V (+- 10%), 50 Hz to 60 Hz, maximum consumtion 200 VA
ReagentsABX Diluent
May Grunwald
Buffer (pH 6.8 or pH 7.2)
MaintenanceAutomatic cycles
ConsumableSlide frosted rounded corner, beveled edges. 
Dimensions: 75 mm (+1/-0) x 25 mm (+1 / -0) x 1 mm (+/-0.5)
Smearing tape: 1 Strip for 6000 smears
Spreading profilesDefined and adjustable by
• Volume of drop deposited
• Degree of tilt
• Smearing speed
Standard slide-staining protocolMay Grunwald Giemsa and Wright
Open slide-staining protocolWright Giemsa


Smear Management

Capacity160 slide loader (continuous loading)
Loader for 8 clide-holding racks (continuous loading)
20 slides per rack
Programming reflex tests (Yumizen P8000)Results (parameters, alarms, delta check, etc.)
Demographics (service, prescriber, age, etc.)
Activation modeManual (worklist)
Automatic (reflex test)
IdentificationAutomatic three-line printing on the slide with indelible ink
OCR (optical character recognitaion) or 2D barcodes
Staining in manual modeThe slide-staining module can be used in isolated manual mode for staining external slides.


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