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TCSPC/MCS Fluorescence Lifetime System

Ultimate TCSPC/MCS Performance and Flexibility for Lifetimes From 5 Picoseconds to Seconds

The HORIBA DeltaFlex™ system is the Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) system of choice for the measurement of fluorescence lifetimes from picoseconds to seconds. Taking advantage of more than 45 years of TCSPC innovation, it is a complete fluorescence/phosphorescence system designed and optimized with innovative pulsed lasers and LEDs, timing electronics, detectors and sample handling components, all powered by HORIBA’s highly intuitive and extremely powerful EzTime™ touchscreen software interface. 

Сегмент: Scientific
Подразделение: Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Производитель: HORIBA Scientific

Unique Benefits from a Lifetime in Fluorescence

  • Flexibility to meet any requirement
  • Better user experience with automated component recognition and control
  • Extensive choice of sources and detectors to meet all wavelength and lifetime requirements
  • EzTime intuitive, automated, touchscreen software

DeltaFlex: Flexibility is in the name, and flexibility is in the design

The modular DeltaFlex system is comprised of a choice of the following main components:

  • Optical configuration
    Choose from filters or monochromators and single detector (L format) or simultaneous dual detector (T Format)
  • Excitation sources
    Choose from a plethora of pulsed lasers and LED sources
  • Detection modules
    Choose from a wide range of dedicated TCSPC detectors depending on your emission wavelength range, lifetime requirements and budget
  • Timing electronics
    Choose from standard or high resolution electronic interfaces depending on your lifetime requirements


All DeltaFlex systems are controlled using EzTime software which provides for full instrumentation control and acquisition, as well as a comprehensive suite of data analysis modules for fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime determination, decay associated spectra (DAS), time-resolved anisotropy and uncorrected steady state emission spectra (if equipped with a scanning emission monochromator).

Optional Pulsed Laser and LED Light Sources


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DeltaDiode™ General Specifications

DeltaDiode TypePulse DurationRepetition RateAvailable Wavelengths
DeltaDiode Laser
(Denoted with an “L” on part number)
35 to 200 ps10 kHz to 100 MHz375 to 1,310 nm
DeltaDiode LED
(No “L” on part number)
750 to 950 ps10 kHz to 25 MHz265 to 455 nm


DeltaDiode Controller Specifications

DD-C1 Controller


Repetition Rates

10 kHz, 20 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 250 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 4 MHz, 5 MHz, 8 MHz, 10 MHz, 16 MHz, 20 MHz, 25 MHz, 50 MHz, 80 MHz, 100 MHz, or Trigger Input (single-shot to 50 MHz). Subject to attached head

Trigger Input

Pulse amplitude +0.5 V to +5 V, trigger threshold software programmable from +0.2 V to +2 V, 50 Ω, 20 ns minimum spacing

Sync Outputs

Simultaneous output of NIM-compatible (-0.8 Vpp 50 Ω) and TTL-compatible (+2 Vpp 50 Ω), automatic width selection 4-15 ns nominal

Sync Delay Control

Adjustment of sync output pulse timing in range -10 ns to +10 ns nominal in 1 ns steps, uncalibrated

Fast Gate Input

Pulse amplitude +0.5 V to +5 V, trigger threshold software programmable from +0.2 V to +2 V, 50 Ω. Selectable Inhibit/Enable modes

Slow Gate Input

Pulse amplitude +2 V to +5 V. 10 kΩ. Selectable Inhibit/enable modes. Operates in Pulsed and CW modes


2-pin connector (included). Contacts must be short-circuited to enable emission

Connection to Head

1.5 m cable (included)

User Interface

LCD display (stand-alone operation) or software (PC control)

PC interface

USB 2.0 with integral hub for downstream connection to other USB peripherals (cable to host PC and software supplied)

Power Requirement

90 V to 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 100 VA

Operating Temperature

+15˚ C to +30˚ C (ambient)

Weight & Dimensions

3.1 kg, 234 x 255 x 92 mm



Solas MOFA Fiber Laser Specifications


Solas 355L

Solas 532L

Solas 1064L


> 7 mW at 80 MHz

> 30 mW at 80 MHz

> 300 mW at 80 MHz

Power Stability

0.5% RMS over 10 min

Pulse duration

80 to 100 ps (FWHM)

Spectral Width

< 0.2 nm

< 0.4 nm

Resolution Rate

Pulse on demand to 100 MHz

Pointing Stability

< 1 μrad

Polarization Extinction Ratio

> 20 dB

Beam Quality

Multi-mode fiber output

Circular TEM00 beam



SpectraLED Specifications

 Pulse DurationRepetition RateAvailable Wavelengths
SpectraLED< 250 ns to > 10 s0.1 to 100 kHz265 to 1,275 nm


SpectraXE Specifications

 Pulse DurationRepetition RateAvailable Wavelengths
SpectraXE0.4 μs0.1 Hz to 80 Hz185 to 2,000 nm


HPPD Specifications

ModelWavelength RangeTemporal Response
Dark CountQuantum Efficiency
HPPD-650220 to 650 nm50 ps< 100 cps28% (340 nm)
HPPD-720300 to 720 nm120 ps< 1000 cps47% (530 nm)
HPPD-860220 to 860 nm50 ps< 200 cps23% (280 nm)
HPPD-870300 to 870 nm130 ps< 500 cps26% (630 nm)
HPPD-890380 to 890 nm160 ps< 1000 cps16% (630 nm)


MCP-PMT Detectors

 HPPD-860 COOLEDMCP-PMT (R3809-50)

Typical IRF FWHM at 400 nm

40-45 ps 

40-45 ps

Shortest Measurable Lifetime 

40-45 ps 

5 ps

Wavelength Response

 220-860 nm

160-850 nm

Robust for Steady State Spectra



Amplifier + CFD

Integrated (no cable)


High Voltage Bias

Integrated (no cable)


Compatible with Phos and Steady State


No (requires second detector)

Temperature Control

Integrated TEC (air-cooled)

External (water-cooled)

Dark Count Rate (Cooled)

 < 200 cps 

 < 20 cps

PC Interface





NIR TCSPC Specifications


ModelSensorWavelength RangeTemporal ResponseDark CountCooling


R5509-43 PMT

300 to 1,400 nm

1.5 ns (TTS)

< 25,000 cps

Liquid nitrogen


R5509-73 PMT

300 to 1,700 nm

1.5 ns (TTS)

< 250,000 cps

Liquid nitrogen


H10330-25 PMT

950 to 1,200 nm

400 ps (TTS)

< 2,500 cps



H10330-45 PMT

950 to 1,400 nm

400 ps (TTS)

< 25,000 cps



H10330-75 PMT

950 to 1,700 nm

400 ps (TTS)

< 250,000 cps



Count-100N SPAD

400 to 1,000 nm

< 3 ns (TTS)

100 cps




FiPho TCSPC Electronics Specifications




Full Detectable TCSPC Lifetime Range

<20 ps to 30 sec

5 ps to 30 sec

TCSPC Converter Type

Digital TDC

Digital TDC and Analog TAC

TCSPC Bin Width

<15 ps

~ 250 fs

Phosphorescence Mode



Independent Stop Channels

1 to 4

1 to 4

Photon Streaming



FLIM Capable





Detailed FiPho Electronics Specifications


FiPho (TDC, MCS)


Full Detectable Lifetime Range

<20 ps to 30 sec

5 ps to 30 sec

TCSPC Time Range

<2 ns to 55 μs

<2 ns to 55 μs


5 ns

5 ns

TCSPC Bin Width

<15 ps

~ 250 fs

Electronics Jitter (FWHM)

30 ps

< 10 ps

TCSPC Histogram Size

Up to 16k

Up to 64k

Histogram Bin Depth

32 bit

32 bit

Independent Stops

1 to 4

1 to 4

Maximum Start Rate

100 MHz

100 MHz

Maximum Stop Rate

40 Mcps

40 Mcps

Operating Mode

Automatic Forward Timing

Automatic Forward or Reverse timing

Streaming Mode

Photon Streaming (Time-Tag)

Photon Streaming (Time-Tag)

MCS Bin Width

5 ns

5 ns

MCS Time Range

< 2.5 μs to 330 seconds

< 2.5 μs to 330 seconds

Maximum MCS Histogram Size



Acquisition and Analysis Macro Scripting



PC Interface

USB 3.0

USB 3.0


EzTime, EzTime Image

EzTime, EzTime Image


HORIBA Scientific has a policy of continuous product development, and reserves the right to amend part numbers, descriptions and specifications without prior notice.

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