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Hematology Blood Cell_Image_HORIBA Medical

Chase the Case

New Yumizen H2500 Hematology Analyzer - HORIBA Medical

Chase the Case #42 - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia -

March 2025 (PDF for print)

Patient Demography: Male, 65 years old

Symptoms: Generalized weakness, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, weight loss

Diagnosis: Lymphoproliferative disorder

Microscopic Review: Prolymphocytes: 5%, neutrophils: 6%, lymphocytes: 85%, monocytes: 3%, eosinophils: 1%. Presence of small to few atypical lymphocytes; Lymphocytes with standard chromatin; Presence of cellular shadows from Gumprecht spots / Smudge cells.

How Yumizen Can Assist: On the DIFF scattergram, we observe the presence of atypical lymphocytes and immature lymphocytic cells from the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). On the Baso histogram, we observe large cells on the right of the curve which correspond to the abnormal forms cells of the CLL.

This clinical case has been provided by a laboratory in Brazil.

HORIBA Medical Chase the Case #16 (EN) - Chediak-Higashi Syndrome

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