January 2023
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Female aged 55
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Amo: scant residual hematopoiesis, massive infiltration by m3 myeloblasts
Immunophenotyping: compatible with acute promyelocytic leukemia
Serology: negative hepatitis (susceptible: negative anti-hbs)
HIV: negative
Myelocyte 1, Metamyelocyte 1, Neutrophils 6, Lymphocytes 45, Monocytes 45, Erythroblasts 9, Atypical lymphocytes 2
Notes: Anisocytosis+, Dacryocytes, Elliptocytes, Macrocytosis, Platelet count in slide= 143,000, Polychromasia
Through the DHSS system, it is possible to perfectly differentiate the entire leukocyte lineage.
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