Maitrayee Roy, Akshay Bali1
Department of Pathology, M.M. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, 1Department of Hematology, Maitri Diagnostic Lab, Ambala, Haryana, India
Background: Automated hematology analyzers often generate many flags which can provide important clues to the underlying hematological abnormality. Although pathologists are generally well versed in recognizing the importance of flags indicating potential leukemic blasts, their utility in hinting toward infectious etiology, especially during epidemics, is less well known. We analyzed any abnormal flags generated by a three‑part automated hematology analyzer in serologically confirmed cases of dengue.
Materials and methods: The study included 28 patients diagnosed with serologically confirmed dengue infection. The venous samples were run on ABX Miros‑60 three‑part hematology analyzer. The complete blood count data and any abnormal flags were noted and correlated with peripheral blood film findings in all patients.
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